Lessons From Blunt Brunch Nationals - What’s In Store for 2023?
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It’s no secret that the legal cannabis industry is young and growing at an exponential rate; however, this maturation comes with growing pains and learning curves that can be difficult for both legacy operators and newcomers alike. Cannabis professionals face endless hurdles regarding compliance, regulatory standards, marketing, financing, accounting, inventory, transportation, and more. Yet, there's another, more psychological challenge that professionals in the cannabis industry must navigate to truly find success—the overwhelming and often paralyzing phenomenon of imposter syndrome.
One female-led organization tackled this challenging topic at their MJBizCon event in Las Vegas, held in November 2022. Blunt Brunch, an event series and community of professional women in cannabis, is creating a positive, authentic, and empowering atmosphere where women of all ages and life stages can connect. Their mission is to provide a platform for women executives and business leaders to exchange ideas, network, and find support in their business endeavors and beyond.
According to Psychology Today, people who struggle with imposter syndrome have an overwhelming feeling that they are undeserving of their achievements, aren’t as competent as others think, or feel like a fraud. This anxious feeling can cause professionals to avoid opportunities, stay silent when their voices may be valued, or disqualify themselves for fear of rejection.
Many people suffer from imposter syndrome, even highly accomplished individuals, folks with degrees, or executive-level professionals. In an industry so young yet rooted in such deep history, it's easy for people operating in the space – especially women – to fall victim to this line of thinking.
At the Blunt Brunch Las Vegas National event, entrepreneurs took the stage to share their stories of imposter syndrome and the tools they use to silence the negative dialog. Here are five pieces of wisdom from speakers and attendees to internalize in the fight against imposter syndrome.
1.When people are talking poorly about you, walk away
In life and in the workplace, we face the judgment of others. When peers speak poorly of you or judge you before they truly know you, it’s best to walk away. As Marvina Thomas of Fourtwenty Collections put it, “The proof of your work, passion, and tenacity will shine through your actions.” Instead of trying to chase down and prove those who have misjudged you wrong, focus on your work. You’ll be too busy achieving your goals to pay attention to those who aren’t focused on theirs. Jealousy and intimidation will leave others stagnant while you succeed.
2.Focus on what you’re accomplishing today - momentum builds
Every day, you contribute to the proof of who you are and what you are capable of through the work you do. As Jane West stated, “When you focus on today's work, you’re not distracted by the pressure of the future. Momentum builds with the work and karma you put into the world daily.” When you feel the pressure of imposter syndrome, focus on only today’s tasks.
3.Imposter syndrome doesn’t discriminate - you’re not alone
Even the most successful people suffer from imposter syndrome. If the people you look up to, admire, or deem successful have imposter syndrome and overcome it, you can overcome it, too. With an audacious sense of confidence in your mission and vision, you make it possible to achieve great things. Ignore the intrusive thoughts and keep your eyes on the prize.
4.Success is never overnight - consistency is key
If you have big goals - you can’t expect to achieve them in one night. Even those labeled an overnight success have poured years into their craft. Some have “failed” time and time again before finding success. Stay consistent. Fail forward. Set reasonable expectations. And forgive yourself every day. As co-founder of Blunt Brunch, Adelia Carillo attests, “It’s hard work, day in and day out, that prepares you for moments of celebration in success.”
5.Stop using the word “should”- you are right where you need to be
Ultimately, there is no should. Not only does “should” not exist, but it also sets unrealistic expectations about your achievements that are unhealthy and unhelpful. Things happen when they are supposed to, not when you think they “should” happen. Focus on the work. Obsessing over societal milestones or the achievements of others will distract you from the goals you’re working toward.
After the speakers shared their experiences with a packed house of entrepreneurs and professionals, the room roared with excitement. In such a male-dominated industry, the honesty, positive energy, and sense of community were a welcome experience for many in attendance.
This year’s Blunt Brunch Nationals is a highly anticipated event during MJBizCon week and will take place on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. As with previous years, Blunt Brunch Nationals is expected to sell out. This event will bring over 400 women from across the U.S. to one room for an afternoon of networking and collaboration. To receive 10% off your ticket, use code 23FNM10. Join the “Brunchette” community newsletter by visiting bluntbrunch.com.