Riana Tokes on NY: Part 1
Photos Courtesy Of Author
Hey there, Fat Nugs readers!
My name's Riana and I want to take you down the rabbit hole that is the brand-new New York cannabis scene.
I started consuming and selling weed at the ripe age of 13. Yep, you read that right, 13. I have sold cannabis across this great state and even in some others. I found that cannabis truly took care of the anxiety and sleep issues that come along with having childhood post-traumatic stress disorder. It made me feel better, normal, if you will.
I found myself falling down the rabbit hole and I fell deeply in love with this plant. I'll be thirty-nine this year and I haven't been able to shake her.
The last five years, I have spent attempting to teach people how to use cannabis and other herbal remedies to make a better day, be able to cope with the stressors in everyday life, be able to more comfortably embrace social aspects of life, and be able to truly live. I have also spent the last 4ish years learning how to cultivate her and grow her to her fullest yet most natural potential. I've grown to love working with compost and castings, I find she prefers her natural roots.
I love this plant. I truly love this plant.
Recently, I started a role with the company Naturae. We are a producer, cultivator, and distributor here in New York State. We produce products that are for the recreation market. This role gives me something special - other than chasing my wildest dreams. It gives me the grand opportunity to tour all of New York and embrace every single dispensary that's coming online and show love to the budtenders, and staff.
I am elated for this opportunity, and I truly hope that you will join me as I adventure through every region of the state. I don't cover dispensaries in the metro area, but I do cover retail locations in the Capital Region, the North Country, Central New York, Western New York, and the Southern Tier.
I get to see the rest of the state where the majority of the excitement happens – where all of us lovely folks are – and I'm going to bring that to you in a series that offers up each region one by one. You'll get to meet all of the wonderful people who are sharing their love of cannabis.
I hope you'll take this journey down the rabbit hole with me because I think it's going to be a grand time.