Blunt Horoscopes: Astrology for the High Life
Written By Stardust Bee
A financial resource may culminate at this time. It’s possible your partner, (in love or in business), will come into some money but they may hide it from you. You might not know for quite some time about their windfall, which would obviously create tension between the two of you. Or, you may have a transformative experience with some sort of psychedelic substance, (remember that transformative and pleasant aren’t always the same thing). Please use common sense and take good care of yourself if you choose that last route. Watch out for deception around this time.

Blunt Horoscopes: May Astrology for the High Life
Stardust Bee is a practicing astrologer based in Denver, Colorado. Her passion is distilling traditional astrological wisdom into guidance fit for the contemporary world. Her careful, analytical approach is meant to help individuals navigate their lives on their own terms while understanding the cosmic weather patterns.

Blunt Horoscopes: Astrology for the High Life
Written By Stardust Bee
Buckle your seatbelts, because April is a noisy, disruptive month! We’ll see a Mercury retrograde period, the second and final eclipse of the season, a once-in-13-year transit, and then a full moon in Scorpio that’ll have you reaching for your tarot cards. This month is definitely messy, but there are some very positive moments. Let’s break it all down

Blunt Horoscopes: Astrology for the High Life
Written By Stardust Bee
Overall, March is a pretty good month despite a few bumpy moments. The month begins with a beautiful sextile between the Sun in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus on March 1st. This is a friendly aspect that feels expansive, lucky, and optimistic. You can use this day to ask for a raise, go to a job interview, ask out your crush, or pitch a new client. On March 9th, the Sun will make the same aspect to Uranus, also in Taurus. You may get a surprising or exciting bit of good news at this time. If you make a strategic request on March 1st you might hear back favorably around March 9th.