Interview with Lonnie Kessler: From Fighting Stigma to Facing Death
Written By Casey Renteria
Through all the ups and downs with his health, cannabis was always there. He told me he was on 13 pills - but with cannabis, he’s down to 3 pills twice a day, and I'd say that's a huge improvement! But he also talked about how hard it was to open up to his family about his choice to use cannabis. “It's finding a balance between family, friends, society, and quality of life you have to choose and I choose the quality of life…Cannabis will be the one thing I use until the very end,” he said.

Blunt Horoscopes: May Astrology for the High Life
Stardust Bee is a practicing astrologer based in Denver, Colorado. Her passion is distilling traditional astrological wisdom into guidance fit for the contemporary world. Her careful, analytical approach is meant to help individuals navigate their lives on their own terms while understanding the cosmic weather patterns.

Schedule 1 Status Hurts Patients Like My Dad
Written By Melanie Rizzo
At first, my dad was wholly against trying any cannabis products. However, his pain continued, as did his refusal to take any narcotic pain relievers. He started low and slow and worked his way up to a full 10mg. His mood lifted, and best of all, he was eating and sleeping soundly.
This progress came to a screeching halt when he was hospitalized for the treatment of his leukemia. A broken, overregulated system prevents patients from receiving their medical cannabis as part of their treatment regimen at most hospitals. Doctors can be prosecuted for prescribing cannabis to their patients because of the plant’s Schedule 1 status.
The possibility for cannabis to aid those suffering from a multitude of ills is still not fully understood, but when our loved ones are benefiting from the use of a harmless, natural herb like cannabis, it’s nearly unfathomable to believe that this plant has been cursed by our government for nearly 100 years.
How on earth is it possible that we regularly ingest toxic substances in our food, in our water, and in our pharmaceuticals, but a friendly green plant is vilified? It makes you wonder – how many nefarious things are going on behind the scenes, unbeknownst to the majority of us?

How My Cannabis Compassion Journey Turned Me Into the Ultimate Researcher
Written By Mike Robinson
"You have cancer." These words dig deep into the core of one's soul and change a person forever. You either learn to be a warrior or prepare for your end times. Determined to beat the disease without resorting to conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, I turned to cannabis oils, as they were the only route I thought I could take against three different cancers running concurrently - and still have a fighting chance of surviving.