Cannabis After Birth: Redefining Motherhood
Written By Casey Renteria
If you have ever had a c-section you already know coughing, sneezing, laughing, really everything can make you feel like you’re just going to collapse into a puddle. It’s not a great feeling at all, and not one I’d want to mix with a high.
For the first few weeks, I avoided smoking because I was literally afraid to cough. Immediately after being moved from the observation room to my recovery room, I got motion sick (which I knew would happen). There is no feeling that compares to your empty stomach dumping its contents, while several people hold compression on your core and incision site. I never wanted to feel that again… and I think that is really where my fear came from.

The Montana Cannabis Tour: Fat Nugs Under Big Skies with the Traveling Cannabis Writer
Written by Veronica Castillo
Montana’s cannabis legalization journey was a wild one in my opinion. So, I decided then that I wanted to travel to Montana someday to cover the people, the stories, the industry, and overall culture.
Fast forward to 2023, to a LinkedIn post by James Stephens, one of the owners of Sinful Beverages looking to sponsor a cannabis writer and sampler to roam the wilds of Montana!
I commented that I’d love to collaborate on this with Fat Nugs Magazine. Within a week we were on a call, and on that call, the planning of the tour commenced.
Covering Montana’s cannabis scene is important, covering Montana’s history is important, and covering Montana’s travel scene is important.
Here’s a little insight into the why’s.