High Tea Humboldt: A Perfectly Curated Hash And Tea Pairing Event
Written By Shelley Peebles
The similarities between tea and hash are far more numerous than one might know or imagine. With a history rooted in culture, economy, and diversity, both have many common aspects. Just as hash is traditionally from a single cultivar, tea is traditionally one plant - oolong, white, yellow - with thousands of iterations within these categories (just like weed!).

Cultivating Culture, Building Community, Igniting Passion: The Area 101 Chronicle - 20 Years of Cannabis Celebration at The Emerald Cup
Written By Kellie Frederick
In the mystical enclave of Laytonville, at the enchanting Area 101, something extraordinary unfolded—a celebration, a reflection, and a promise for the future. The 20th Anniversary of the legendary Emerald Cup transcended the realms of mere festivity, becoming a soul-stirring tribute to the roots, growth, and vibrant future of cannabis culture.