Breaking the ‘Curse’ of Menstruation: Celebrating a Woman’s Cycle with the Support of Cannabis
Written By Dr. Dana Lillestol, PhD
The miseducation, misinformation, and social programming have removed the beauty of a natural hormonal process of a woman that is life-giving. The time has come to celebrate the amazing biology of the female body, to support our female travelers on this road called life and to relish a woman’s ability to create life.
In tandem, marijuana as a unique plant provides healing properties to any mammal (women are mammals) yet this plant has been discredited and put in question. The propaganda has been very effective in hiding the truth.
Meet Doc Ray: Cannabis Legacy Grower & Medicinal Craft Practitioner
Written By Isabella Dechard
“This plant was there for me during a time in my life where it was either I take the mountains of opioids and psychotropics or find a more natural alternative.” When he began feeling a noticeable difference in his body, Doc Ray set out to not only medicate with cannabis but experiment with different specific cultivars that catered to these symptoms he regularly suffered.