Authentic Stoners in Love Talk How Cannabis Impacts Their Romance
Written by Hannah (Izer) Vysoky
Cannabis brings on euphoria. This is a pretty well-known fact amongst cannabis lovers. Being an adult cannabis consumer can add a hint of flare when you enter the world of dating and coming together as partners in a relationship.
On the other hand, sometimes dating as a cannabis consumer can be a bummer. Sometimes non-consumers might not understand the plant. Maybe they don’t enjoy smoking at all. Others may worry about judgment from others when playing the dating field as a stoner.
We wanted to talk to authentic stoners in genuine loving relationships or those in the throes of the dating world themselves, so we spoke to some fantastic content creators on social media and other outstanding personalities working in the cannabis industry to shine light on real-world perspectives.
Let’s take a look at some certified pot smokers who can share how cannabis impacts romance in their relationships.

How to Combat Stoner Stigma
Written By Benjamin Gold
Today, more Americans support cannabis legalization than at any point since its prohibition, with 78% believing it holds medical value. While more Americans are consuming cannabis for different reasons, we remain beholden to the idea that stoners are lazy, forgetful, and use it only for recreational purposes.