Hitoki Review: Where Tech Meets Cannabis Consumption
Photos Courtesy of Author
I took one look at this beautiful bong and was almost immediately in awe. Something about the red against the matte black makes it feel sexy and like I needed one. I don’t know much about lasers, but I do know that this changed the way I experience my cannabis.
What Is Hitoki?
On the surface, Hitoki strives to make high-quality stoner smokeware, but it goes deeper than that. I was lucky enough to get on a call with Joe Tran, the President of Hitoki, to get a demo, and hear more about where the company came from.
Growing up, cannabis was one of the worst things you could use in Vietnamese culture. He told me about how upset and worried his parents were when they found out he was using the plant. Over the years, cannabis legalization marched forward and so did Joe's love for the plant - thus
Hitoki was born. He wanted the most effective way to consume cannabis while keeping the integrity of the bud intact for a full experience.
Now, Hitoki not only represents where tech and cannabis consumption merge, but also a legacy in the making. During our call there was one thing Joe said that really hit me hard when talking about his father’s health.
“The goal is to build this brand so ultimately it can take care of him.”
That’s a powerful statement and gave me a different view of the company in such a positive and beautiful way.
The Learning Curve with the Hitoki Bong
I’m a huge fan of glass: it's my go-to 9 out of 10 times. I can’t say I use a bong in any serious way, but I’m definitely familiar with how it works. Regardless, I was so excited to see how this contained system measured up to my glassware.
Aside from the obvious tech aspects I'll get into, the hit you get from this device is different. The process is the same: light, pull, and clear, however, I found myself accidentally taking huge hits without realizing it. You know the kind - for a few seconds sends you on a rocket to the moon before crash landing back into your body.
It’s not the end of the world, and after a sesh or two, the laser bong and I got along just fine. If you have lungs of steel this probably won’t make a difference to you. But if you’re like me, you’re the person in the group coughing up a lung, then just know– it will take a minute to get the hang of how to gauge an appropriate size hit.
The Tech Behind Hitoki
Before your first sesh, be sure to fully charge the device. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes according to the instructions, I’d say that’s pretty accurate. Once it's charged press the button on the top 5 times and it flashes to let you know it's ready.
There are 3 different burn settings indicated by a colored light on the power button. I couldn’t find anything specific about the settings in the instructions, but after some digging on the site, I was able to find some info.
● Red - is the lowest setting best for well-cured dry herb/ power saver mode ● Green - is the medium setting best used for denser or fresher flower
● Blue - is the highest setting meant for flower infused with concentrates
Now we have to talk about the laser. Traditionally when you consume inhalable products you’d use a lighter or torch, and that’s great but butane can affect how your bud burns and tastes ultimately changing your experience. Using a laser to precision heat your bud means you get to experience the full taste, and effects of your medicine.
The Hitoki Sesh
It finally came time for me to pack a bowl and try it for myself. I was intrigued, but not sure what to expect. The bowl piece screws into the base of the device easily and the top piece drops in and with a quarter turn locks in place with magnets. I took my first hit and immediately I could taste a difference.
The flavor was much brighter, and vibrant, and had a lingering quality, the effects were definitely turned up. The best way I can describe the difference is if each cannabinoid was burned at the perfect temperature for maximum effect. I noticed after medicating to my desired level, there was still a good amount left in the bowl too.
I was surprised it didn’t take as much as normal, and it seemed to last a little on the longer side. Typically effects last about 2 hours for me but I noticed my next sesh was pushed off for closer to 3 to 4 hours. That makes a big difference when we’re talking about how much I consume.
Cons/My Thoughts
There are a couple of key things I've noticed with this product, nothing major but some things to note.
The smell of a freshly smoked bowl is pungent. It wasn’t something I initially noticed, but after using it a time or two I started to notice the cabinet I keep my stash in smelled a lot stronger than normal.
I tried leaving the hookah hose attached hoping that would tame the smell, but it didn’t. This isn’t an issue for me as I smoked all day every day. But for those who might want to be a bit more discreet or just don’t want their house to smell like cannabis, it’s something to consider. I don’t know if there is a great way to remedy it besides maybe a cap for where the hose attaches when not in use.
The other thing to note is the device isn’t any larger than your standard bong - however, if you choose to use the hookah hose attachment it can feel like a lot to take with you in and out if you have to consume outside like I do. I tend to stick the hose in my pocket and set it up where I intend to sesh. It would definitely be ideal to have a place to put this device up and leave it there, but not necessary at all.
This is going to be a high-end option; there's no way around that. However, I do 100% think it’s worth it to invest in a piece like this. For the model I got it's about $350. I will say that with how effective the sesh was, it really cut down on my consumption overall, meaning that the same $100 I spend that lasts me 4–6 weeks is now going to last 8-12 weeks. Over the course of a year I’d save $450- $550 a year on medicine and that alone pays for the device and more!
If you’re a daily cannabis consumer or really appreciate a more in-depth experience with your flower this device is the way to go.
Summary of the Hitoki Sesh
I really enjoyed this device. Compared to my glassware this was definitely a level up. As far as the experience with the flower it makes a little bit go a long way. I never need more than one and at times I don’t even need a full one. My stash lasts longer and I feel like I‘m really unlocking the full profile of my flower.
I want to also mention that using a laser to consume means the bowl doesn’t get hot - not even warm. So you can take a hit and immediately unlock the chamber to stir and re-pack if need be.
If you are the type to neglect your glassware, don’t do that with this! It’s a device that’s going to last for a long time, but you really need to stay on top of the cleaning. This is the only reason I’m
not making this a daily user, I know myself too well and I wouldn’t clean it regularly enough. This piece did earn a spot in my collection for a few things: high-quality bud, accessing new strain effects, and as my weekend toker when the sesh can last a little longer, and really become a ritual.
Stay Happy, Healthy & High!