Cannabis-based treatment for Atopic Dermatitis in dogs: A Brazilian Clinical Trial
Art Courtesy of Rebekah Jenks
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a long day recalibrating the electromagnetic stirrers and making my weekly calls to suppliers. I felt my eyes roll as I slipped the mini-computer out of my pocket and unlocked the screen. It read, “WHAT AN AMAZING DAY, DON’T YOU THINK?”
My heart jumped into my throat as the author of the email came into sight. It was Carollina Mariga, our Veterinarian contact for the team of researchers in Brazil. We were currently in limbo and waiting for customs clearance to get our tinctures beyond the South American border and into the Federal University of Santa Maria.
All Photos Courtesy of Author
I felt tears begin to sting the corners of my eyes. After two whole years of waiting, the box that left my facility last week was received and cleared for a clinical research study in Brazil. My eyes skimmed the email and I realized the paragraph was actually a list, lettered as opposed to numbered, corresponding to the pictures she attached. I stopped on the letter H, it read:
“H- Of course me, really really happy (I don’t know if you can see my eyes), finally taking the oil to our veterinary hospital.”
I looked at the corresponding picture to see Carollina beaming with excitement. I now let the tears roll. It was at this moment I was reminded why I pivoted from my Veterinary career to develop hemp products for dogs. Why I struggled through every moment of starting a business, especially a cannabis business. It was to provide the world with a natural solution for their animals. To aid in clinical research and further our collective scientific knowledge of this magnificent plant and its relationship with each living organism on our planet. The fruit of my labor, Hippie Hounds, is my gateway to healing, and now here we are, finally beyond the red tape and celebrating as I write this. But let’s go back to where the idea for this study came from and how I got involved.
I met Carollina back in 2021. We met via zoom call, joined by Dr. Erik Amazonas. We came from different parts of the world to discuss the potential of a clinical research study focusing on how full-spectrum hemp could improve symptoms associated with Atopic Dermatitis in canine patients. She explained how her University in Santa Maria has partnered with six laboratories to evaluate samples such as histopathology of the patient's skin, anesthesia impact, interleukin, oxidative stress, statistics, & blood work. And that her study will span across 180 days of treatment, wherein the same dogs that take the medicated hemp will also be their own control group. Meaning each patient is being treated according to the following protocol:
60 days with only conventional treatments.
60 days with conventional treatment & cannabis.
60 days with cannabis + a 50% decrease in conventional treatment.
As I listened to her goals for the project, I contemplated my own anecdotal evidence through patients that utilized Hippie Hounds products for similar symptoms. I knew that treats wouldn’t be the best option, as they’re full of other ingredients, and while they’re human-grade, they could potentially impact an underlying peanut butter or pumpkin allergy.
That’s when I decided our tincture had to be the best choice. It’s vegan, with only two ingredients, that is a pure enough form of administration in which to maximize the effectiveness during the study. So, I told Carollina that I would be honored to work on the project with her and we subsequently agreed to embark on the journey of getting the goods across the border. We were all thrilled, but none of us were prepared for the logistics involved taking an additional two years full of hurry-up then waiting.
A quote by Anais Nin came across my mind as I studied a photo of the research team: Rafael, Saulo, & Carollina herself.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” -Anais Nin.
Looking back, we truly were courageous. To begin research in a sector that was so uncharted, still drenched in propaganda and misunderstanding, it was a walk-on-the-wild-side. But that didn’t scare us, we are too ready to further the research, and furthermore, we believe in the power of cannabis medicine. I admired every doctor on the team at UFSM, and am so honored to know that my products were finally in their hands and ready for those patients that were truly suffering.
Atopic Dermatitis is a pruritic, meaning itchy, skin disease that many species suffer from, including dogs. If your dog experiences this allergic reaction you’ll notice that they bite, itch, rub, and scratch irritated areas. You’ll notice red, inflamed, irritated segments of skin. Typically located around the feet, face, ears, underarms, and legs. Atopic Dermatitis is not always localized to one area of the body and severe cases can experience full-body flair ups. It’s difficult to assess what causes the allergic reaction and it’s different from dog to dog, so treatment options are not effective across the board.
I have hands-on experience working with animals that suffered from Atopic Dermatitis. After ten years in the veterinary industry, I saw us hand out steroid injections, Apoquel (for upwards of $200-$500 for a monthly prescription), Cytopoint injections (that really only lasted for two weeks), referrals to allergy specialists, you name it. Believe it or not, allergies are a big deal in the veterinary community with conventional treatment options being “band-aid solutions” at best. The possibility that cannabis could help alleviate the symptoms associated with Atopic Dermatitis meant that our dogs could now utilize a natural option for symptom control. We could grant real, safe-access to pet parents for an affordable, holistic approach, providing relief to our loyal furry best friends. Plus, our dogs are with us to help in our fight to end the stigma that still surrounds cannabis!
When you develop a cannabis product like I have, you can’t help but get a little overwhelmed envisioning all the possibilities for ailments your products will help with all at once. When I handed out my first few samples, I saw inflammation and limping just disappear, once-anxious dogs curled up for peaceful naps, and seizures stopped. It was awe-inspiring, especially when my tincture helped our first allergy case: Pete.
Pete is an adorable rat terrier mix who at one time suffered from severe Atopic Dermatitis. His pet-parent was phenomenal. She had him on a special food diet, pharmaceuticals, injections, etc. After trying what felt like every other possible solution, she was willing to give hemp a try and started Pete on my 500mg tincture. His regimen was to take approximately 8 milligrams twice a day for a month. By the end of the month, Pete’s hair had grown back around his ears, feet, and neck. He wasn’t itching, scratching, or licking so it was safe to say the inflammation and pain had subsided. In addition to his physical relief, his mood greatly improved! He was more affectionate, less aggressive, and was even able to accept a new dog into the home. Needless to say these changes in Pete were never possible prior to cannabis therapy. Once again, at this update I was brought to tears that rolled down my face while looking down at my mini-computer. The update? A video from Pete’s mom of them playing with their new addition, a goofy Mastiff puppy. Our hopes for this Brazilian clinical trial is to help hounds just like Pete, with cannabis medicine.
Cannabis promiscuity allows this plant to provide relief to a wide variety of ailments suffered by a wide variety of species. Cannabinoids have the ability to bind with receptors throughout each system of the body and somehow know where it is needed most. Similar human trials have shown cannabinoids to block the mast cells responsible for histamine production and impairing T-cell activation, which reduces antibody production: including histamines. Our clinical research study on how cannabis can impact the symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis will open up the door for future research within the hemp and veterinary industries. Imagine what cannabis can do next, and for who?