How to Land a Job in Cannabis
Written By Todd Scott
There are a multitude of reasons that people give for the desire to become part of our industry. If your reason is, “I want to make a lot of money,” then you should reevaluate your decision. While you can make a career in this space, it typically takes time to work your way into well-compensated roles. It also depends on your prior relevant experience. Be prepared to answer the question about why you are interested in working in cannabis.

My First Experience in the Cannabis Industry
Written By Connor Cook
"I know I’m not alone when I say there’s no place I’d rather work. Even with the snakes, the cannabis community is still unmatched. It has to be. Competition is fierce, margins are tight, and there’s little room for error. People have to band together, and you’re seeing more and more examples of that every day.
If you’re thinking about getting into the cannabis industry, the time is now. It is in desperate need of talented individuals with a passion for the plant and community. We’re all living through history, and those who are brave enough to come out of the green closet have the opportunity to shape this industry for the better."

Transitioning From Non-Cannabis to Cannabis: What You Need to Know
Written By Christy Essex
So, you want to work in cannabis? There is a lot of “buzz” going on, especially when it comes to people looking into transitioning to cannabis from non-cannabis fields.
Cannabis companies have needs, just like any other company in any other legal industry. In the fastest growing industry in the nation, opportunities are popping up everywhere.
The process of transitioning from traditional non-cannabis careers into the cannabis industry may seem daunting, however there are more connections between the job you have now and your future career in cannabis than meets the eye.
One of my favorite quotes by Henry Ford is “Whether you think you can-or think you can’t-you’re right!” I kept this quote by my desk as I set up to pivot into the cannabis space, myself. Now, here I am ten years later loving my decision to transition into the cannabis workforce.
So, if you are still wondering where to start, here are some recommendations;