Activism in the Weeds: A Call for Change in Australia's Cannabis Laws
Written By Nigel Despinasse
Stolk and Zammit's approach to activism is anything but conventional. Their tactics include projecting pro-cannabis messages onto the iconic Sydney Opera House, placing fake cannabis plants throughout Sydney, and even setting up a fake hydroponic grow operation in a busy store space. These actions are designed to grab attention and spark conversations, breaking through the noise of traditional activism methods.

Cannabis in Malta Part I: Market & History
Written By Nigel Despinasse
While governments worldwide are engaging in debates and decisions regarding their stance on cannabis, the future of cannabis innovation looks bright in Malta.
Malta is a pioneering country that legalized medical cannabis in 2018 and became the first in the EU to legalize recreational cannabis in 2021.
With strategic geographical positioning in the Mediterranean and the potential for growth in the European market, Malta's cannabis industry presents numerous investment opportunities and prospects for economic growth.
Read on for an enticing overview of Malta's cannabis industry, including its historical background, legal framework, and the landscape of medical cannabis.

Black Hempstory Month: Origins of Western Prohibition
Written by Dan Isenstein
There seems to be no end to shameless conspiracy theories about the origins of cannabis prohibition. Among the most disseminated are that William Randolph Hearst wanted to ban hemp to protect his vast timber holdings and that the DuPont corporation wanted to eliminate competition to their newly patented thermoplastic - nylon. The evidence supporting both sounds better when you’re high.
No, racism is inarguably at the root of reefer madness and ultimately cannabis prohibition. And, if racism was not the motivation for the making of cannabis illegal initially, then the execution of the law, which saw blacks and people of color arrested and incarcerated at more than double that of whites and sentenced to much longer jail terms, certainly provided the law with plenty of racist cred.
This Black History Month open your eyes, and your mind, to the reality that the easiest explanation is often the truth. Was cannabis prohibited because DuPont and Hearst conspired to protect their own self-interest or did the United States, which has been racist AF since its inception, pass a law to preserve the dominant social order?

My Journey into Cannabis - Part III : More Fun Than The Law Allows
Written By Jason Bird
Most of New England was a fairly conservative place back then. Seeing that my love for weed and the desire to have access to the best of it was growing inside me, I knew that I would eventually have to leave the East Coast in search of places that were more relaxed in their attitude toward The Herb. I was seeking knowledge and understanding of the cannabis plant itself, and hoping to find people who shared that interest and could help me find the knowledge that I was seeking.
The West Coast was a totally different weed scene compared to the East Coast. Night and day. The relaxed setting made it a different type of experience. Like there was nothing to get in the way of it.
I had decided that I would be moving to the West Coast to pursue my desire for knowledge about cannabis and how to grow “The Kind Bud.” I had been planning to leave in the summer of 1995, anticipating that I would just follow the Grateful Dead tour out to the West Coast and find a place to live once I got out there.
It didn’t quite go as planned…