Fat Nugs Magazine & Beard Bros Pharms Talk Reschedule: Views from Independent Cannabis Media
As we’ve all heard, seen and read by now, the DEA is taking an unprecedented step to reschedule cannabis as a Schedule III drug (maybe). Opinions as to whether this move by the Fed is good or bad are all over the place. So instead of just releasing another article that basically states the same things everyone has already read, as a team we wanted to share our personal opinions on the possible historical move and also get Bill and Jeff Levers of Beard Bros Pharms take on it.

In Response to Calls for Cannabis Decriminalization: Evaluating the Implications of Rescheduling
Written By Tara Eveland
While HHS's recommendation is seen by the majority as a potential step forward, many cannabis industry groups are sounding the alarm and urging the public to look below the surface of yet another government promise.
One critical aspect that reform advocates underscore in this statement is that rescheduling cannabis wouldn't automatically lead to the release of current cannabis convicts or the expungement of related records. Furthermore, the unresolved issues of immigration-related consequences and eligibility for public benefits would persist. The criminalization's disproportionate impact on Black and Latino communities would continue, despite the change in scheduling

Cannabis Advocates and Professionals react to President Biden’s Statements Regarding Federal Marijuana Reform
Written By Bri Smith
The dust is settling from the news of last week’s announcement from President Biden regarding federal marijuana reform. For many Americans - especially cannabis advocates - it was a historic moment. However, his announcement fell short of what so many felt could have been truly beneficial for so many Americans still serving unfair sentences for nonviolent cannabis charges.
As could be expected, cannabis industry professionals and advocates had a lot to say about the statements. Some celebrated the effort, while others met it with harsh criticism for not being impactful enough. We’ve collected the statements and reactions, ranging from joy to frustration, of 30 cannabis industry professionals.

Dissecting Biden’s Statements on Federal Marijuana Reform
Written By Bri Smith
A statement Americans and cannabis advocates have said for literally decades was finally uttered by President Biden yesterday during his statements addressing federal marijuana reform. The phrase was both welcomed and yet infuriating for advocates who have been fighting for federal cannabis reform since Harry J. Anslinger preemptively ruined the lives of millions of people. Indeed, for 15 years short of a century, we’ve been shouting from the mountaintops, “It makes no sense”... and also, “What the fuck is going on?”.
For many Americans, it was a monumental day in the United States. In what is likely one of the biggest steps toward federal acceptance and decriminalization of cannabis by any president, Biden declared three areas of action for his (more on this later) failed approach to the War on Cannabis.