From Red to Pink - Part VII: Pink & Red Flags
Written By Lindsey Gunter
Unsurprisingly, there were a few hurdles up front. Aren’t there always? Namely, construction ran behind and, oh yeah, a pandemic was beginning to unfold, followed by one of the greatest movements for civil rights in recent U.S. history. Then there was the racism - yes, I used that word, and it won’t be the last time I mention it, either.
We still set a goal for a soft opening to culminate into a hard opening day celebration on 4/20/2020. And once I got my team together operationally, the store seemed closer to opening than ever. But it also seemed more and more clear that no one would be having a 4/20/2020.
It is my sincere hope April 20th someday becomes a nationally recognized holiday for the USA, marking cannabis’ debutante moment of acceptance, to at least make up for this sacred moment, snatched away by fate.