The First Annual Yuy Fest
Written By Dennis Walker
A dynamic team of Chiapanecan fungi experts collectively known as Fungaria led the forays, educating the 30 plus foragers in attendance about the phylogeny, taxonomy, and ethnomycological aspects of the many diverse species of fungi that we encountered.
The finds were separated into distinct baskets distinguishing the toxic from the edible from the mycorrhizal fungi and brought afterwards to the main event hall where workshops and vendors congregated. They were then displayed on tables for conference attendees to examine and learn about from local student mycologists.
Knobs and Bongs
Written By Natalie Goldberg
Recently, I decided to have a mystical experience with a bong I have not used before. I have kept it on a shelf because it was a gift and I felt it was too beautiful to use. It was discovered in the faraway lands of Oklahoma. This particular psychedelic moment seemed to call to this particular bong. I filled the bowl, and upon lighting it I knew I was going to feel the universe a little louder. Once I lit the bowl and watched all the cannabis fibers rise up in flames, I began speaking to the bong only because I felt that it was speaking to me first.