How Cannabis Became My Lifeline: A Personal Journey
Written By Tim Collett
Sharing my story is a way to show that cannabis can be a lifeline when life gets brutally tough. It's not a magic wand or a cure-all, but for me, it was a vital lifeline in the most challenging times. In the face of unimaginable loss, it offered a flicker of hope and a reminder that even the tiniest thread is worth holding onto.
Adopting Love: How Cannabis and Compassion Created My Family
Written By Mike Robinson
Many will say that a person doesn't have to be biological to be a father, which has always seemed like an odd statement until it became one of my own. Back in 2016, on the compassion trail where I traveled giving away Cannabis oils in copious amounts to patients in need, I came across Genevieve after her mom contacted me, and what's known as the Cannabis Love Story by many began.