How Cannabis Became My Lifeline: A Personal Journey
Photos Courtesy of Author
Sometimes, when I sit alone with my thoughts, I can't help but reflect on the incredible rollercoaster ride that my family and I have endured. Life is a wild mix of highs and lows, and we've certainly had our share of both. My name is Timothy Collett, and I've worn many hats in my lifetime - I am a Navy Veteran, a dad to four amazing kids, and my wife and I run our own business. But the story that truly defines me is how cannabis became my rock when I needed it most.
My family consists of my wife Susan and our four incredible kids - Aubry, Jaquae, Jaushon, and Micheala. We used to be just like any other family, filled with dreams, ups, downs, and an abundance of love and laughter. But our world was turned upside down on January 3rd, 2020.
We were hit by a heartbreaking tragedy when our youngest, Jaushon, was taken from us in a terrible car accident. He was just nineteen, barely six months after he graduated high school. Losing a child is like having your heart torn out, and that pain never truly goes away. I can't help but think about the future he was robbed of.
To make matters even more challenging, the whole world was on the brink of lockdown due to COVID-19. Lockdowns, uncertainty, and fear added another layer of complexity to our already unbearable situation. We were drowning in grief, feeling isolated, and surrounded by despair.
And that's when I turned to something that had been a part of my life for almost 40 years - cannabis. For me, it was more than just a way to have a good time; it became a lifeline, especially after Jaushon's passing.
As the weight of grief bore down on me, I found peace in nurturing my own cannabis garden. Taking care of those plants, watching them grow from tiny seeds to full-blown greenery became my therapy. It gave me a sense of purpose when everything else seemed pointless. There was something almost magical about tending to those plants, a sanctuary in their leaves and that earthy scent.
Cannabis didn't magically make my pain disappear, but it helped. It eased the physical hurt and gave me a mental break from the never-ending torment inside my head. It offered moments of calm in the middle of all the chaos.
Today, I'm a different man. Grief and stress have taken their toll, but I'm thankful for every day I've had since the accident. It's like holding onto a fragile thread, but it's still something to hold onto. Cannabis didn't fix everything, but it gave me the strength to face it all.
My family, especially Susan, has been my rock through it all. We faced the storm together, and cannabis was there, quietly supporting me, during those darkest nights.
After losing our son and dealing with the lockdowns, Susan and I found a new purpose. We decided to start a business, one that could offer products to people who, like us, found some kind of comfort and healing in cannabis. And so, our journey continues.
Sharing my story is a way to show that cannabis can be a lifeline when life gets brutally tough. It's not a magic wand or a cure-all, but for me, it was a vital lifeline in the most challenging times. In the face of unimaginable loss, it offered a flicker of hope and a reminder that even the tiniest thread is worth holding onto.
Jaushon will always be in our hearts, and the pain of his absence will never truly fade. But in the midst of that pain, I've found the strength to keep going, one day at a time, with the help of a simple plant and the love of my family.