The Power of Activated Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extracts: Why Keeping Nature’s Balance Boosts the Plant’s Healing Abilities
Written by Daniel Gana & Abraham Benavides,MD
Scientists have studied this effect and found that using the whole plant for health benefits is more effective than just using single compounds. Whole-plant extracts are especially helpful for conditions like epilepsy, migraines, and multiple sclerosis. By learning how the natural combination of compounds in cannabis works, we can better understand why products that maintain this balance give better results than those made from isolates.

When Cannabis Heals: How My Mother’s Cancer Unveiled the Healing Power of CBDA
Written By Inesa Ponomariovaite
Trapped in a relentless cycle of illness, infection, and chronic pain, I faced not only serious health challenges but also the trauma of domestic violence. Desperate for relief, I left Lithuania, hoping that advanced medical care in the U.S. would bring healing. Instead, my condition worsened. In my search for a solution, I turned to plant-based medicine, abandoning conventional treatments. Remarkably, within weeks, I experienced a significant recovery. This life-changing experience fueled my passion to help others find the same relief that I did.

Draining the Swamp Within
Written By Peter Kolakovic
On the physical level of the body, fasting promotes sustained energy, mental clarity, endurance, and recovery. Psychologically, the practice challenges the practitioner to break through mental barriers and overcome deeply ingrained habits. For those inclined to the spiritual life, fasting is said to cleanse the soul and bring one closer to divinity.

The Power and Potential of Plant Medicine: An Interview with Johnny Broadcast
Written By Jessica Reilly-Chevalier
Johnny Broadcast: I was diagnosed with stage 2 colo-rectal cancer in 2017. My doctor immediately wanted to do $150,000 surgery and take out part of my rectum, leaving me with a colostomy bag. When I told him I wanted to try oils and plant medicine, he screamed at me that I was going to die if I didn’t do chemotherapy.

What’s in Your Soil?
Written By LaWann Stribling
My love of nature has brought me closer to every quality our Creator has blessed us with. Going down the rabbit hole I learned that many plants individuals attributed as weeds were actually beneficial herbs. I bought various books to learn about different herbs and the individual benefits they provide. With this knowledge, I began to alter typical over-the-counter medicines, like Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, and Hydrocortisone, with different herbs.
How Cannabis Became My Lifeline: A Personal Journey
Written By Tim Collett
Sharing my story is a way to show that cannabis can be a lifeline when life gets brutally tough. It's not a magic wand or a cure-all, but for me, it was a vital lifeline in the most challenging times. In the face of unimaginable loss, it offered a flicker of hope and a reminder that even the tiniest thread is worth holding onto.

Ready for a Cannabis-Infused Vacation? Book Your Next Trip to Jamaica!
Written By Elana Cohen
When in Jamaica, cannabis-friendly resorts envelop consumers in a safe, relaxing atmosphere to appreciate the cannabis plant. But if you’ve been following along, you’ll recognize that cannabis-friendly trips aren’t all about the bud. There’s also something to be said about healing the body and mind. During cannabis-friendly vacations in Jamaica, guests can customize their trips to find delight in other excursions across the island. They can combine wellness, meditation, and spiritual guidance, or recover with healing herbal medicines and cannabis spa rituals

Herbie My (New) Love
Product Review By Casey Renteria
I like to think I’m an active person, at least four days out of the week. After working out, my back becomes so uncomfortably tight that it causes headaches, neck pain, and cramps. I take my self-care seriously, and one constant ordeal is tight muscles.
I love topicals for muscle recovery post-workout for this reason. I have found that it is a critical key in my recovery. Although I have so many lotions, potions, rubs, and balms I am still kind of picky about my topicals, since I use them multiple times a week.
One day, while doom scrolling on LinkedIn, I came across a post featuring Herbie Pain Balm. I knew right then and there, there wasn't a doubt in my mind, I wanted to get my hands on it. Or more like 'get it on me!

Cubicle ‘Stiff’ Finds ‘Self’ Again With Radical Healing
Written By DG Brosky
“Like most modern folks, I wasn’t given much time to loaf and lean against ragged fences brooding about art and existence. I was schooled and disciplined and told to focus! I did, and in my early thirties I found myself sitting in a sterilized cubicle on the 3rd floor of an office building in San Francisco.
What I was doing there doesn’t matter. Be it paying down debt or climbing up the ladder to building a career; burning away whatever sat at the back of ambition, no longer desired. Whatever that was, it was making me fucking miserable.
I’d started taking antidepressants with the hope that they’d flip the switch that seemed stuck in my head. I was advised by the Doctor to stay away from alcohol due to adverse effects. He recommended therapy. “Why would I need therapy if I have pills?” I thought. But I didn’t say anything because I was desperate to show the Doctor that whatever was going on with me was easily curable. Nothing serious. Just a superficial crisis. “