Cannarchy In The UK Part 1: The Decline of The British Hempire
Written By Dave Barton
Much like Britain and its Royal Family, here and now in 2023 the UK and cannabis have a complicated relationship. But it wasn’t always this way. Once upon a time – some half a millennium ago – cannabis, in the form of hemp, was one plant we just couldn’t get enough of on this side of the Pond.
A little later on, cannabis continued to thrive; as both a material and a medicine. Even dear old Queen Victoria allegedly partook to quell her cramps. And then, just a few decades after… boom. The seeds of criminalisation were sown.
It’s only now, some 100 years on, that the balance is being redressed; and adult use/recreational cannabis is seemingly being openly embraced everywhere… except here in Blighty (I know, I know… but stay with me on this, k?).

Hasta Luego: From Barcelona With Love -Snowbirdstoner in España for Spannabis 2023
Written By Grant Mitchell
Barcelona as a city, functions as Europe’s beacon for trade shows. Despite weed being completely illegal in Spain, Spannabis shines as the largest European cannabis fair - now running 20 years strong.
Conglomerating 4 events, The International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC), Spannabis Fair, a symposium titled The World Cannabis Conference: International Cannabis Forum, and The Professional Growers Cup aka “Spannabis Champions Cup” all make up the juggernaut known collectively as SPANNABIS. Events are held in Fira de Cornellà from March 9-12th, with a plethora of afterparties, mixers, and networking gatherings usually in El Centro.
If you are thinking of visiting next year, it is definitely worth the trip. An article such as this, can never fully capture the magnitude of the breadth of the experience. Still, Spain should be on everyone's bucket list! Beyond just the convention, the culture in this part of the old world is magnificent.

Last tolerance break in Paris
Written by Matthew Dean
Ahhhhh…. The T-Break, AKA the tolerance break. No matter what your thoughts - whether you are a cheerleader or chastiser, a willing participant, or in my case, had the T-break foisted upon you, this is not a diatribe on the pros and cons of taking a tolerance break. It is a journey into the unwanted absence of my love, cannabis, in the city of love itself.
I figured, once free of the family, the wedding, and France, I would treat myself to a week in Amsterdam while the family flew to Rome to see the Pope or something. The major issue was making sure Nina had weed: Period, point blank. And she PROMISED that she would. A rare thing for my lovable but sometimes not all that dependable cousin.
To be clear, traveling with my family wasn't going to be a nightmare, it just wasn't the ideal option to be traveling with Mom and Nana. Despite this, I knew that some weed would be just what I needed to ease into the trip, and Nina had a friend in Amsterdam supplying decent weed and hashish.