Last tolerance break in Paris
Written by Matthew Dean
Ahhhhh…. The T-Break, AKA the tolerance break. No matter what your thoughts - whether you are a cheerleader or chastiser, a willing participant, or in my case, had the T-break foisted upon you, this is not a diatribe on the pros and cons of taking a tolerance break. It is a journey into the unwanted absence of my love, cannabis, in the city of love itself.
I figured, once free of the family, the wedding, and France, I would treat myself to a week in Amsterdam while the family flew to Rome to see the Pope or something. The major issue was making sure Nina had weed: Period, point blank. And she PROMISED that she would. A rare thing for my lovable but sometimes not all that dependable cousin.
To be clear, traveling with my family wasn't going to be a nightmare, it just wasn't the ideal option to be traveling with Mom and Nana. Despite this, I knew that some weed would be just what I needed to ease into the trip, and Nina had a friend in Amsterdam supplying decent weed and hashish.

The science behind the munchies
Written By Riley D. Kirk, Ph.D.
The holidays can be a wonderful time to catch up with family and old friends and of course, stuff our faces with all the amazing home cooked foods. Before indulging in the savory food, many of us go for a pre-meal ‘walk’ to prepare our bodies for the feast.
Lighting up a joint or indulging in other cannabis products before the big meal may give you the classic “munchies” which can make everything taste even better and accentuate the obscure combinations of food you’re about to eat.
Many of us have hilarious stories about combining ridiculous ingredients while high, or eating absurd amounts of food, but have you ever wondered why this happens?

“seasons greenings!” ivan moody announces launch of new cannabis line ’greenings’
Press Release for “Greenings” By Moody’s Medicinals
“For years, I've had a very public struggle with alcohol addiction, and being prescribed an excessive amount of medication for my imbalances felt overwhelming and completely non-conducive to recovery," said Moody.
"I wanted something natural that wouldn't leave me poisoned with sluggish side effects that countered my life on the road. Greenings was born as a result of the emotional and physical relief I found through cannabis”

My Journey Into Cannabis - Part I: Jason Meets The Herb
Written By Jason Bird
Do you remember the first time you smoked weed? Where you were, the people you were with, the place and time you were (are) at in your life? For me, it was the summer of 1988. After the first few times, I remember feeling like I had found something that I didn't know I was looking for.
In the early 1990s, I noticed the progression of cannabis' evolutionary growth and cultural popularity. Every year I would meet more and more people who were regular consumers of "The Kind." All the sights and smells of an industry on the rise were sprouting up worldwide.
Through friends and connections I had made, I started meeting people from all over who were growing their own herb. I met growers and connoisseurs worldwide, and I would eventually leave the place where I grew up in search of my higher purpose.

An Interview and Weeding Announcement with Penny Lane
Written By Mike Robinson
November is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and thus a great time to talk about how our beautiful fat nugs get used by patients and people in the cannabis industry that use the plant to stop seizures. The world went nuts with the Weed Series on CNN that featured kids battling through the grips of this complex neurological issue that's known for taking 50,000 lives a year. Many don't consider the adults in the World of Purple as they paint their faces and hair that color this month to celebrate their continued life, their will, and their ability to overcome.
Penny Lane is one of those adults. Let's talk with Penny Lane about her Mary Jane and how it changed her life.

48 Hours in Utah: I Want to Be SedatedPart II - Good Morning Salt Lake City and Donut Falls!
Written By Grant Mitchell
Cruising the train back towards the airport, facing forward, gratitude struck my heart for the whole gift, realizing the value of the ability to travel medically. I jotted a profound note: Impermanence makes me philosophize on how valuable, unique, and special all the fleeting moments are. In a way, we’re all simply passengers on the ride of life and should pause to cherish the preciousness in all our experience snapshots.