Ego Tripping into the Business of Cannabis: Lessons from BCB Mastermind
Written By Rudy Brown
Despite the economic benefits of legalization, many communities remain untouched by the wealth generated from cannabis. The discrepancy is obvious to small business owners, no matter their backgrounds, values, or ambitions. Through all interactions, conversations, and shared moments, we have the opportunity to set standards across an entire industry.

fat nugs magazine takes on mjbiz con: my take on vegas
Whether it was your first time at a cannabis business convention in general or another feather in your cap, the 12th annual MJBiz Convention was all about the theme, Dare to Grow, as it brought the vast and ever-growing cannabis industry together for an eventful week in Las Vegas.

What Can Cannabis Do For Your Dog?
Written by Andrea Harris
"You're gonna put cannabis in dog treats? How on earth is that going to work?" Dr. Rodgers asked me.
"Yeah, I mean obviously it won't be high in THC, but I know there has to be medicinal properties for dogs as well." I retorted as I pulled back on the plunger and the 3ml syringe began to fill with blood.
I never thought that I would go from those conversations to stopping by clinics that carry my full-spectrum hemp dog treats. I can't help but think back as I hear story after story about cannabis helping canines.
Much like our own system, your dog's endocannabinoid system produces its own endocannabinoids. In fact, it's more than just dogs. We all have a system that interacts with the compounds found in cannabis, now it's all about narrowing down what cannabinoids are beneficial to which ailments so we can tailor-make cannabis profiles for our furry, and not-so-furry friends.

Rolling it up without RAW
Written by Melanie Rizzo
The news of RAW’s recent court case left us all feeling a bit bamboozled. As a joint aficionado, I frequently try new papers in an attempt to find the smoothest smoke that doesn’t burn too quickly or cover up the taste of my delicious and intentionally selected flower.
In my experience, paper preferences are personal, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt (or a puff of smoke) as my criteria may be different from your own.

No More Monkeying Around: That Manila Hemp Is Bananas!
Written by Shannon Flaherty and Austin Roberson
As the industry learns of the bad corporate behavior coming from prominent suppliers of rolling papers (and other smoking accessories) one might wonder: “I know the product I have is safe, I have a lab report for that, but what about the paper I’m about to roll it up with?”
Some have already been asking these questions, from growers to testing labs, to even TikTokers. You know, people. People who have a relationship with cannabis that is central to their daily lives.
As two people who refuse to harm the patients that are about to walk through our dispensary doors, our loved ones, and our personal health; we are now intent on finding the cleanest and most ethically produced rolling papers out there. Manila hemp is not the way.
Don’t know where to turn to now? We got you!

Uncovering the “Invisible Shopper”: Re-examining How We Look at Data to Give Brands a New Edge
Co-written by Lara Fordis, M.A. and Tymofey Wowk, Ph.D.
Data, data, data. It’s all around us, we all know about it, but why is it important, especially for the burgeoning cannabis industry? And, who are the “invisible shoppers™” in cannabis?
The cannabis industry is no different than other vertical markets in terms of a need for contextual, accurate, actionable consumer data, perhaps even more so given how new the industry is and what an opportunity this presents.

“seasons greenings!” ivan moody announces launch of new cannabis line ’greenings’
Press Release for “Greenings” By Moody’s Medicinals
“For years, I've had a very public struggle with alcohol addiction, and being prescribed an excessive amount of medication for my imbalances felt overwhelming and completely non-conducive to recovery," said Moody.
"I wanted something natural that wouldn't leave me poisoned with sluggish side effects that countered my life on the road. Greenings was born as a result of the emotional and physical relief I found through cannabis”

From Red to Pink - Part VIII: Hot Pink mess
Written By Lindsey Gunter
Listen up people: You can be a big, bad whatever, but if you put two types of weed in the bag, you’re doing bad business. Period. It’s unacceptable. I could not believe the blatant illegality of this, outside of the poor planning and product development. Such shamefully low regard for the consumer. There is only one C.O.A. for good reason, and besides, people have eyes and can clearly see a difference.
'Red would never have done something like that' I remembered thinking to myself. What a shame it felt like at times, everyone from the teams I worked with running dispensaries were scattered all over the place by now, and couldn't likely come in to see what all that I learned from them could make.
For some, after the amount of drama that had so far unfolded, they were starting to feel embarrassed about even being associated with the place. I wondered what my own late business owning mother would say about Pink as I watched ownership and the owner's assistant show family around the dispensary around holiday time.

From Red to Pink - Part VI: The Pink Era Begins
Written By Lindsey Gunter
My layoff date approached, red jackets began to appear in thrift store windows around town (ouch), and I found myself sitting in a dark, shabby room covered in concrete dust - clearly the only habitable place in the general sea of construction going on inside. I was interviewing for a new dispensary’s ownership that got my resume from The Blacklist. “Gold” someone had called it. We knew some of the same people, shared some brand-building opinions and a desire for an open, feminine, inclusive ideal for the dispensary. I shook hands and agreed to an hourly rate until opening, upon which time a salary for myself and the people I brought into other key positions would go into effect. I walked out and just about danced all the way home.
Do you ever wish you could just go back in time, not to prevent anything from happening necessarily, but to warn yourself? I probably would’ve just tapped myself on the shoulder and simply said, “Don’t dance yet.”
But alas, as I danced down the street, “Finally,” I thought, “this is my chance to put a real dent in the binary!”

Where Do All The Delta-8 Nugs Grow?
Written By Mike Robinson
By no means did the U.S. Congress create a bill for farmers so people in labs could convert cannabinoids under a loophole to market powerful quasi-cannabis items to people in states that have yet to legalize them. There are concerns far beyond the marketing to vulnerable consumers when it comes to semi-synthetic or completely synthetic creations made in labs to vie with the THC-focused cannabis market.
One of these lab conversions is known as Delta-8 THC, and it has hit the nation hard with so many different hemp companies finding a way to stay afloat by commercializing this new type of THC. Now consumers are exposed to modern, trendy marketing for products that are beyond misleading.
Sure, it's a great thing to see the hemp industry stay alive during a harsh economic time, but is it that great of an item if the hemp-derived cannabinoids within them were lab created? Is it great that these products are put on shelves for consumers far faster than researchers could possibly study both efficacy and safety?

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part III
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
Many in the cannabis community are going to disagree with Pharmaceuticals having a spot in the industry. Most of us choose cannabis because we believe in a more natural route. That being said, there is a large population of people with health conditions that trust the pharmaceutical process.
It is not too much to ask that the government free people who had minor charges so that they can support and be with their families. Requesting that people are no longer imprisoned for a small-time cannabis distribution conviction or specific homegrow quantities would resonate with the majority of the public, and could potentially free the majority of cannabis felons.

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part II
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
In our humble opinion, The MSOs that have ownership in dozens of craft businesses, while still allowing the companies to be independent, will have the strongest foundation.
The suggestions for amendments to state laws in this article are written to provide a pathway for everyone to focus on the model they believe in. Investors need to see a clear focus claimed by businesses based on the aspects of cannabis they want to invest in.
The future of cannabis investing should and will hopefully be more diversified between Small Businesses, MSOs, and Pharmaceuticals.

Written By Lindsey Gunter
Woah, I remember thinking. “Could I trust the people I work with?” I mean, can you trust anyone, really, further than a certain point at least? I was just Sourcing and Production, so I hoped so, but…what? I could not imagine a single person in my area of the office being any type of spy, and laughed to myself at the thought of the buyers or master data bros in black ninja outfits. I mean, hopping through lasers and narrowly avoiding booby traps…for legal weed?