Legacy Vs. Legal: The War over the Future of Cannabis
Written By Tara Eveland
There is a place for the big dogs, and we have welcomed them into our states, but now they want to totally shut out the legacy entrepreneurs and small businesses that got them where they are today, and we will not let that happen. Those of us that love this plant, those of us that have fought for years for patients over profits.
We won’t let the people that paid that cost not have a seat at this table, especially when #bridgingthelegacytolegalgap is not unheard or unattainable.

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part II
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
In our humble opinion, The MSOs that have ownership in dozens of craft businesses, while still allowing the companies to be independent, will have the strongest foundation.
The suggestions for amendments to state laws in this article are written to provide a pathway for everyone to focus on the model they believe in. Investors need to see a clear focus claimed by businesses based on the aspects of cannabis they want to invest in.
The future of cannabis investing should and will hopefully be more diversified between Small Businesses, MSOs, and Pharmaceuticals.

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part I
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
If you look closely enough at the groups with interest in the future of cannabis, they can be broken down into seven factions. They all have a different vision, and none of them are going anywhere. Instead of the situation boiling over politically, the best course of action is for all factions to negotiate a future that is best for everyone. Each cannabis faction’s concerns need to be addressed via amendments written to update current state cannabis laws.

From Red to Pink - Part III: THE STARTUP
Written By Lindsey Gunter
Getting hired at “Red” was a surreal blur, and the company itself was more the latter definition of startup. By the time I got my red jacket, I was already elbow-deep in the supply chain and hooked on the nitro cold brew available on tap, as well as absolutely loving the company culture. I never personally found it to be as hostile and bro-like as some might suggest, just the usual pronounced levels of ego from upper-management, slowing down decision-making from time to time due to petty, pseudo-professionalism. Nothing anyone hasn’t seen before.
Remember that part in Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, when Jack Skellington discovers Christmas Town? Yeah, that was me. Something new and exciting was happening to me! What I used to think was boring business information after watching my parents grow a small business into a multi-million-dollar corporation my entire life, revealed itself to be an enterprising acumen paired with passion-fueled intuition. But there was also another aspect that came with this new job that I wasn't expecting.