Casey’s Fat Nugs Field Trips: Black Ridge Cannabis
Dispensary Review Written By Casey Renteria
Black Ridge Cannabis is a veteran-owned and operated dispensary in Calera, Oklahoma.
When I found out the dispensary opened in March of 2023, this of course sparked a Fat Nugs field trip! I wanted to meet the owners Harvey Thompson, Edward Gann, & Kody Edwards to see what they were really all about.

Tolerance Breaks Crack Me Open
Written By Scarlet Weaver
In all reality, life can be an uphill battle at times for those of us who struggle with our mental health. There is no easy fix and sometimes no end in sight. Four years ago, I started using cannabis as an aid in my mental health “journey.” I hate to use that word, but I don’t have a better one. The difficulties never went away, but they became so much easier to manage. At this point in my life, my patterns are almost becoming second nature to me. I know my own patterns and know when I need to use a healthy coping mechanism.
Knobs and Bongs
Written By Natalie Goldberg
Recently, I decided to have a mystical experience with a bong I have not used before. I have kept it on a shelf because it was a gift and I felt it was too beautiful to use. It was discovered in the faraway lands of Oklahoma. This particular psychedelic moment seemed to call to this particular bong. I filled the bowl, and upon lighting it I knew I was going to feel the universe a little louder. Once I lit the bowl and watched all the cannabis fibers rise up in flames, I began speaking to the bong only because I felt that it was speaking to me first.