Medical Cannabis in the Hemp State? No Relief in Sight
Written By Dan Isenstein
Kentucky is one of just 13 states that still criminalize all marijuana use and possession. During the spring 2022 Kentucky legislative session, House Bill (HB) 136 was passed by Kentucky's lower house with bi-partisan support (59-34). Once again, however, Kentucky’s Republican controlled Senate blocked the bill to the floor for a vote.
In response to the continued Senatorial inaction in the legislature, Governor Beshear formed the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Advisory Committee. Less than a week after the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Advisory Report was released, President Joe Biden announced that he was issuing pardons for all federal marijuana convictions.
So what does that mean to the average Kentuckian looking to consume cannabis legally?

Has your Linkedin engagement gone up in smoke?
Written By Melanie Rizzo
After years of slowly cultivating a presence on the platform, I discovered that my engagement suddenly and significantly dropped. My profile views were down nearly 60 percent and my posts went from averaging thousands of impressions to the single digits. I tried writing posts using popular hashtags at peak hours but despite my best efforts, engagement still lagged. I froze.
Am I being shadowbanned?
If you are seeing rapid reductions in engagement, or you believe that your profile has been pushed into the LinkedIn netherworld, don’t panic! There are steps you can take to regain your footing.

Dissecting Biden’s Statements on Federal Marijuana Reform
Written By Bri Smith
A statement Americans and cannabis advocates have said for literally decades was finally uttered by President Biden yesterday during his statements addressing federal marijuana reform. The phrase was both welcomed and yet infuriating for advocates who have been fighting for federal cannabis reform since Harry J. Anslinger preemptively ruined the lives of millions of people. Indeed, for 15 years short of a century, we’ve been shouting from the mountaintops, “It makes no sense”... and also, “What the fuck is going on?”.
For many Americans, it was a monumental day in the United States. In what is likely one of the biggest steps toward federal acceptance and decriminalization of cannabis by any president, Biden declared three areas of action for his (more on this later) failed approach to the War on Cannabis.