Written By LaWann Stribling
On September 15, 1995, I arrived at Prince George’s Hospital Center nervous and worried as hell for my 6:30 am scheduled induction. My last OB/GYN appointment brought on concerns that I was developing pre-eclampsia, a serious condition marked by high blood pressure and other symptoms after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Due to this, my doctor thought it was best to have a scheduled induction on my actual due date.
I had been living with my sister at her place on Taylor Street because I was still a ward of the state and couldn’t afford a place for me and my soon-to-be child to live.
I had state insurance and the only two sonograms I had revealed my baby with their ankles crossed, blocking the pelvic area.
I wasn’t familiar with pain medications or opioids except for what I heard on television. I watched pregnancy shows on Discovery Channel in the hopes that it would prepare me for this day – but I certainly WAS NOT prepared.

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part II
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
In our humble opinion, The MSOs that have ownership in dozens of craft businesses, while still allowing the companies to be independent, will have the strongest foundation.
The suggestions for amendments to state laws in this article are written to provide a pathway for everyone to focus on the model they believe in. Investors need to see a clear focus claimed by businesses based on the aspects of cannabis they want to invest in.
The future of cannabis investing should and will hopefully be more diversified between Small Businesses, MSOs, and Pharmaceuticals.

From Red to Pink - Part II: The Backstory
Written By Lindsey Gunter
THE BACKSTORY: Have you ever seen that movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street”? You know the part where Leonardo DiCaprio’s character is dragging himself for dear life to his car on quaaludes? Yeah, some of us watch that and can’t laugh nor stare in disbelief; we only remember seeing our loved one(s) like that in real life. Watching that scene immediately transported me to the parking lot of my middle school in Houston.
My dad, who was having a major back spasm and seizing inside the open trunk, was asking me to not tell mom I had to drive us home (again). I was waving the rich girls of the local neighborhood off with a smile, dismissing the situation as handled, just so they could walk the short distance home to their own lovely, messed up lives where they threw themselves down flights of stairs to frame new stepmothers.

How Government Regulation of Cannabis and Tobacco Helps Synthetic Drug Makers
Written By Mike Robinson
Almost all of the reefer madness pioneers smoked cigarettes while demonizing cannabis, claiming that tobacco smoking was medicinal. For centuries, tobacco was thought to have medicinal properties and was used to treat various ailments. In the 16th century, doctors even prescribed it for conditions such as colds, headaches, and toothaches.