Cannabis After Birth: Redefining Motherhood
Written By Casey Renteria
If you have ever had a c-section you already know coughing, sneezing, laughing, really everything can make you feel like you’re just going to collapse into a puddle. It’s not a great feeling at all, and not one I’d want to mix with a high.
For the first few weeks, I avoided smoking because I was literally afraid to cough. Immediately after being moved from the observation room to my recovery room, I got motion sick (which I knew would happen). There is no feeling that compares to your empty stomach dumping its contents, while several people hold compression on your core and incision site. I never wanted to feel that again… and I think that is really where my fear came from.

The Best Dad is a Stoner Dad
Written By Daniel Crawford
Maybe I’m biased, but Stoner Dads are the best dads. Nothing against the great dads out there who do not consume cannabis, but there is a special power us Pothead Papas possess. Call it a special sort of curiosity mixed with adventure, and finished off with a sprinkling of Cheeto dust.