The Best Dad is a Stoner Dad
Photo Courtesy of Daniel Crawford
Maybe I’m biased, but Stoner Dads are the best dads. Nothing against the great dads out there who do not consume cannabis, but there is a special power us Pothead Papas possess. Call it a special sort of curiosity mixed with adventure, and finished off with a sprinkling of Cheeto dust.
Stoner Dad life is normal days turning into sci-fi adventures, and every song becoming a dance party. It’s adventures to the park and weekend trips in the north woods. It’s cuddling with stuffed animals and teatime in couch cushion forts. It’s volunteering at schools, coaching sports teams and having time to read stories before bed. It’s listening. And laughing. Lots of laughing, learning, growing and having fun.
Growing up, we were “shown” what happens if you become a stoner. Lazy, burnt out, living in their parent’s basement - or worse, in a van down by the river, like my buddy, Dustin Hoxworth’s dad.
In the suburbs of Milwaukee, it was normal for the adults to have an alcoholic beverage after work or Sundays after church. In Wisconsin, your first DUI is a misdemeanor. Drinking culture is the norm thanks to corporate lobbying influence and cannabis prohibition that’s based on reefer madness laws - not to mention how the media has always portrayed cannabis consumption versus the way it presents pretty people on a beach enjoying a beer.
What is beautiful to me is knowing my daughter will grow up always knowing cannabis is medicine. I will be able to teach her how cannabis heals and builds communities. She will love, respect and support our culture and have more opportunities than ever to be a healthier, more loving young lady.
After a hard day’s work, consuming cannabis allows me to set aside all of the stress that piles on throughout the day. With just a puff, those worries melt away, and my daughter’s smile emerges through the bullshit that life can throw your way. And so our nights are filled with positivity and love. This is the life hallmark of a Stoner Dad.
Weekends are for exploring. Even when we don’t leave home there are things to discover. Identifying birds and practicing their calls. Sprinklers, inflatable pools and backyard BBQs.
Consuming cannabis is the fuel for adventure in my family’s life. When your significant other has chronic pain, your stash of medicine needs to be close by. Trips are often dictated by locations that have accessible medicine. Luckily, they are also the places stoners love to explore.
Last summer, we drove from our home in Las Vegas through Utah and into Colorado. Our three-year-old daughter danced her pants off at her first Red Rocks show. Almost a year later she still recalls the show, the band (Trampled by Turtles) and the trip. These are the moments Stoner Dads help to create. These are the moments we all crave and wish for more of, and these are the moments I will hold close to my heart forever.
Stoner Dads are the best dads. I know from experience, dude.