Cannabis: A Fearless Light in the Shadows of the Psyche
Photo Credit: Dimitri Bong via Unsplash
There is a fear of cannabis that comes from a place of not knowing. There is a “not knowing” of how the plant works, or how “safe” the plant is, or how illegal it is, or how it’s supposed to feel and look and taste. But greater than all of these “not knowings” is the “not knowing” of who we really are beyond our earthen layers. The biggest fear of cannabis is rooted in the fear of learning the truth about ourselves and our lives, and, even more terrifying, feeling that truth in our bodies.
We live in a technocratic, mind-centric society. This reality has structured life for us in such a way that we spend more time in our heads than ever before. So much of our former hands-on ways of being have been outsourced to industry, which means we spend less time using our bodies to their fullest extent and purpose, and more time in our heads making logistical decisions so that our daily lives run as smoothly as possible.
Now, the human mind is a beautiful thing. It is a cosmic supercomputer, capable of changing the outcomes of any and all future plans through its sheer electric force. So many miraculous creations have been born of the human mind. It can analyze itself to death, and do the same to the processes of nature. It can remove any and all mystery, take the fun out of even the most magical of times and beat up your soul over the tiniest of mistakes. Yes, it is brilliant, but it can also drive you mad. A balance is needed.
When cannabis coalesces with the human body system in an intentional and trusting capacity, there is a balance of mind and body that takes place. This balance, when not influenced by propaganda and guilt, is ecstatic; orgasmic even. Some call it a body high, others refer to it as a buzz, or simply pleasurable relaxation. I choose to refer to it as embodiment. Your mind slows and flows while your body downregulates and settles into a state much more receptive to sensation. The mind and body work together in union, and the inner Self is able to lovingly observe the inner workings of You.
If there is shadow work to be done, meaning parts of you that you normally try to avoid or suppress are waiting to be discovered in the shadows of your psyche, a cannabis session will quite likely bring them to light. The potential discomfort of this scares many, but that does not mean it should be avoided. There is thankfully a way to make this less of a fearful, paranoid or anxious experience, and that is to choose the experience willingly, and to approach it from a heartspace of love - not from a headspace of analysis.
Your intention when co-creating an embodied cannabis experience should be integration. When seeking integration with the shadow, the shadow is brought to light, and the light is incredibly important. It provides warmth, healing and truth. Because of the light, you can see what is lurking in your depths through a lens of acceptance and evolution. That lens is enhanced and supported with the use of cannabis. Cannabis makes embodiment and integration a much more holistic and connected experience, and that is how it is meant to be. This is the aspect that catalyzes the healing process, for the body cannot heal without a simultaneous or prior healing of the internal state of a person.
It is important to note that there is always shadow work to be done. The task is never ending; it simply shifts as each day passes. The more you try to avoid it, the darker things get, at least in your mind at first. The thing about the mind is that it creates your reality (another truth that cannabis helps to reveal), and so your internal state is very important to tend to. Through regular, intentional cannabis use, it is possible to grow comfortable with what it feels like to spend time with your truest self, and to integrate that feeling into your daily being. The sooner and more often you accept all parts of yourself, the more you can love yourself and bring healing to your entire life, as well as the lives of those in your sphere of influence.
Once we can find more balance with our light and shadow, we can enjoy our lives more fully and give more love in the spirit of reciprocity. This is because cannabis is a blessing from Mother Earth, meant to not only heal our physical bodies but our spiritual selves; especially the parts of us we don’t understand, or just wish would go away.
When governments relegate cannabis to the shadows of illegality, they stifle her light. They smother her healing capacity and contort her image so as to serve the darkness, portraying her fearlessness as something to be feared itself. It is because she opens minds and gently heals bodies that she is deemed a threat. She is a threat to the pharma-funded status quo on every level, but most importantly on the level of truth. Truth about ourselves, yes, but also the truth about the society we have unknowingly created for ourselves, and those who claim to be in charge of it.
Modern times have become darker, more chaotic and incredibly painful to witness - if you’re paying attention. Now more than ever we need lights, flames, torches, sunbeams and shooting stars to reveal the truth and ignite a spark of healing within every human being that walks this planet. Cannabis requires sources of light, warmth and love to stay healthy and grow. She contains the light of the cosmos in her every fiber. We are no different, and continuing to keep such a wealth of healing tucked away in the shadows of illegality is a wrongdoing beyond levels we could ever imagine. It is furthering the darkness and allowing fear to thrive in our society, which inevitably perpetuates physical and mental illness.
The only way to win the battle against fear is to bravely face fear. You can do this by living an embodied life, where you willingly befriend your shadow and transmute its power into love so strong it cannot be defied. You, too, are a light; this is your ultimate truth, and cannabis is here to help you shine brilliantly. Do not fear what cannabis wants to reveal to you. She comes in peace, and she is here to serve your greatest purpose - loving yourself, and loving others, with the strength of many more than ten thousand suns.