Grey Market Mushrooms Series Part I: Mush Melo
Written By Lydia Mcclendon
After one of the country's largest psychedelic conferences has left Denver, more people than ever are curious about how integrating mushrooms, MDMA and more can help them find some inner peace. With this new wave of interest in psychedelics comes a difficult decision for some “grey market” brands within the psychedelic community. The grey market is nothing new, and has only gotten more advanced with the onset of the age of social media, encrypted apps, and good old-fashioned legalization…well, sort of.

Cannabaceae: Japanese Hops, the Killer Weed that Can Save Your Life!
Written by Mike Robinson
Cannabaceae is Medicine; it's time we harness the power of all the plants within the family, because Cannabis is just the tip of the iceberg. Multiple varieties of Humulus are known for medicinal properties, and the Japanese Hop has found its way into that collection.
What a shame to think that these vines growing throughout America are considered nothing more than a burden when they possess their own goodness, ready to heal our aches, pains, moans, and groans.
There seems to be quite a bit of madness over these vines; maybe it's the shape of the leaves and their similarity to Cannabis that truly disturbs the mostly illegal states that wish to eradicate it.

Recreational Medicine: Rethinking Cannabis in the Age of Legalization
Written By Benjamin Gold
Cannabis usage continues to grow in the United States, but our framing of it remains archaic, reflecting a non-existent binary that cannabis is either medicinal or recreational. Yet, the truth is that as more Americans use cannabis, they are discovering that its recreational benefits are just as important as the medicinal.
Today, while the fight for cannabis takes place across the U.S, we can do our part by shaking off the notion that cannabis can only be either recreational or medicinal. Instead, we must promote it as the plant that can elevate all aspects of life.

All Cannabis Use is Therapeutic: The Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis Debate
Written by Jason Bird
Cannabis is one of the oldest known and most used plants on the planet, with evidence of this dating back almost 10,000 years according to recent archaeological findings near East Asia. With numerous uses as a source of medicine, food, fuel, and fiber, it’s really not a stretch then to say that all cannabis use and uses have therapeutic value for us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

How Government Regulation of Cannabis and Tobacco Helps Synthetic Drug Makers
Written By Mike Robinson
Almost all of the reefer madness pioneers smoked cigarettes while demonizing cannabis, claiming that tobacco smoking was medicinal. For centuries, tobacco was thought to have medicinal properties and was used to treat various ailments. In the 16th century, doctors even prescribed it for conditions such as colds, headaches, and toothaches.

May the Microforce Be With You
Written By Jon Cory
Unlike the well-known Grateful Dead song, lately, it occurs to me…what a short, commonplace jaunt this has been.
I just started microdosing psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient in “magic” mushrooms. I researched two different dosing schedules, the Paul Stamets and Fadiman protocols, and decided on the Fadiman Protocol. Every three days I consume a .1g dose of locally grown Psilocybe cubensis (a.k.a. “Penis Envy”).
Having never tripped, I can affirm that microdosing has been entirely underwhelming. When compared to having an alcoholic drink or hitting a joint, I simply don’t feel any different. Then again, microdosing isn’t about short-term pursuits with short-term results. This is a long game, with lasting effects on one’s well-being.

Can a Nurse Flourish in the Cannabis World?
Written by Natalie Goldberg
I am in the midst of a major transition. A few years ago, I took a job as a cannabis nurse. I felt burnt out by psychiatric nursing after having dispensed opiates and narcotics to patients that showed up monthly with little to no improvement in their health, despite years of trying. Feeling indifferent about being a nurse took over my entire attitude. At the time, I was living far from my hometown because of an attempt at living in a recreational-cannabis state. Unfortunately I ended up working in a non-recreational state. Inspired by my loneliness and defeat, I decided to look for work back home in Florida.
It was 2019 and Florida’s medical marijuana program had really taken off. When I found a clinical position for medical personnel, preferably a nurse, to provide treatment and education on the endocannabinoid system, I freaked out. I interviewed and they were excited that I was a fan of cannabis and that I could also give vitamin injections, so they hired me. I was in shock. My life changed in seconds as I began the transition from psych nurse to cannabis nurse.

Cannabis: A Fearless Light in the Shadows of the Psyche
Written By Kaitlin Coghill
There is a fear of cannabis that comes from a place of not knowing. There is a “not knowing” of how the plant works, or how “safe” the plant is, or how illegal it is, or how it’s supposed to feel and look and taste. But greater than all of these “not knowings” is the “not knowing” of who we really are beyond our earthen layers. The biggest fear of cannabis is rooted in the fear of learning the truth about ourselves and our lives, and, even more terrifying, feeling that truth in our bodies.