48 Hours in Utah: I Want to Be SedatedPart II - Good Morning Salt Lake City and Donut Falls!
Written By Grant Mitchell
Cruising the train back towards the airport, facing forward, gratitude struck my heart for the whole gift, realizing the value of the ability to travel medically. I jotted a profound note: Impermanence makes me philosophize on how valuable, unique, and special all the fleeting moments are. In a way, we’re all simply passengers on the ride of life and should pause to cherish the preciousness in all our experience snapshots.

48 Hours in Utah: I Want to Be Sedated Part I - Cannabis at the Crossroads
Written By Grant Mitchell
‘Twas a solid 12 years since meeting up with my ol’ buddy, M.W. After a few formalities were exchanged on LinkedIn, we decided that a rendezvous in late July around the proverbial “Crossroads of the West'' was long overdue. Whilst getting my regular items in order, you know, I began to ponder over the new Medical Marijuana laws in Utah. On November 6, 2018, Utah legalized medical marijuana and, nowadays, for holders of a license from some states, reciprocity would honor my Nevada card.
Due to the top-secret nature of M.W. 's history, I can’t go into the details too much about how I know this person - even writing what I did might be too much. But let’s just say, they are the agent with all the information. So, M.W. constructed a grand plan to reconnect the day after I landed, which was perfect for an outing to report on the current state of affairs in at least two cities. It seemed I was set to spend about 48 hours in Utah, licensed by the state to get sedated.

All Cannabis Use is Therapeutic: The Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis Debate
Written by Jason Bird
Cannabis is one of the oldest known and most used plants on the planet, with evidence of this dating back almost 10,000 years according to recent archaeological findings near East Asia. With numerous uses as a source of medicine, food, fuel, and fiber, it’s really not a stretch then to say that all cannabis use and uses have therapeutic value for us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

Tolerance Breaks Crack Me Open
Written By Scarlet Weaver
In all reality, life can be an uphill battle at times for those of us who struggle with our mental health. There is no easy fix and sometimes no end in sight. Four years ago, I started using cannabis as an aid in my mental health “journey.” I hate to use that word, but I don’t have a better one. The difficulties never went away, but they became so much easier to manage. At this point in my life, my patterns are almost becoming second nature to me. I know my own patterns and know when I need to use a healthy coping mechanism.