Written By Deborah Agboola
The potential of cannabis for managing ADHD symptoms is certainly a “budding” topic.
We’ve heard and seen cases of people using cannabis to manage conditions such as pain, anxiety, depression, etc. But there are only a few instances of people reporting cannabis use for ADHD management.
A research survey to examine the effects of cannabis on ADHD was conducted in 2022. Many of the participants with ADHD who noted they had used cannabis reported seeing acute benefits for their symptoms, and even improvements with many of their medication side effects, like irritability and anxiety.
Cannabis offers ADHD-relevant benefits by stimulating cannabinoid receptors on specific brain cells. From the research into CBD and THC for ADHD symptoms, we’ve noted encouraging outcomes, and are now wondering, 'What other phytocannabinoids, major or minor, might be suitable for ADHD?'

Written By Grant Mitchell
After traveling down a kaleidoscopic wormhole, for what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Merl wakes up on the beach of what he can only guess is a distant alien planet. Merl notices a small tower in the cove across the coastline.
Merl meets a wizard who calls himself Citizen Patient. Discussions about isolation, what planet they are on, and the year transpires briefly.
Dr. Merl explained his home is called “Planet Earth.”
“Never heard of it.” C.P. replies.
It’s so dark in the dank smelling castle that Dr. Merl can’t see, and so asks C.P. if he can open a shade to let in some light. Just as he is about to ask him what type of cannabis strain he favors…
“Sure.” says C.P. as he floats, not even walking, towards the window. Mysteriously, C.P. then vanishes into the curtain and the map spontaneously combusts again like the first piece of parchment from Dr. Merl’s laboratory.
Dr. Merl jumps back in order to save his nose and eyebrows from getting seared off. Another practical joke or a tricky magical prankster, eh?

‘Cross-pollination’ Leads to Good Ideas
Written By Mark G.
Priuses. Labradoodles. OG Kush. Although these random items appear to have little in common, they do share one thing: cross-pollination.
You might be asking yourself, what is cross-pollination? To put that in the context of cannabis culture, cross-pollination could best be exemplified by one of the most popular hybrid-strains ever, OG Kush.
OG Kush is technically a three-way hybrid (tri-brid?) of Chemdawg x Hindu Kush Indica x Lemon Thai Sativa. Three separate strains that are amazing by themselves are combined, or cross pollinated – to create a new, arguably better solution – a true cross-pollination.
This process of mixing disparate components to create a total that is better than the sum is akin to problem solving. The mixing of problems and ideas to create solutions is one of the oldest and arguably the most important processes we as humans NATURALLY utilize.
I argue that the existential reason for humanity is to problem-solve with the goal of advancing our lives. How do we do that? You guessed it–cross pollination– mixing scenarios with our experiences to ultimately create ideas.

Herbie My (New) Love
Product Review By Casey Renteria
I like to think I’m an active person, at least four days out of the week. After working out, my back becomes so uncomfortably tight that it causes headaches, neck pain, and cramps. I take my self-care seriously, and one constant ordeal is tight muscles.
I love topicals for muscle recovery post-workout for this reason. I have found that it is a critical key in my recovery. Although I have so many lotions, potions, rubs, and balms I am still kind of picky about my topicals, since I use them multiple times a week.
One day, while doom scrolling on LinkedIn, I came across a post featuring Herbie Pain Balm. I knew right then and there, there wasn't a doubt in my mind, I wanted to get my hands on it. Or more like 'get it on me!

Everywhere I’ve Smoked Part I: WEST vs EAST
Written By Emily Harris
It’s safe to say that many of us have grown up alongside weed’s legitimization, and I’m here to take a deeper look into how we all fit in where the West meets the East, and all the cultures in between.
Throughout my lengthy and wavering relationship with weed I’ve had the opportunity to smoke in a total of eleven states. It’s been a long, wild ride as I’ve taken weed across the country, border to border, and coast to coast, all the while wondering how the hell I got to where I am today, and everywhere I’ve been along the way.
Through the ebbs and flows of cannabis’ presence in my personal life, I’m at a point of reflection on its role in America’s history, the influence it’s had on me coming into my personhood, and the current cultural implications based on its legislation from the West to the East.

Written By Deborah Agboola
When it comes to cannabis consumption, it's easy to go with the fad, but it's better to go with your limits.
What is an “ideal dosage”? At this point in time, state regulators have failed to address dosages, so it is up to relevant cannabis organizations to set dosage standards for the cannabis consumer. Yet, a meshwork of suggested THC thresholds exist; we’ve heard that THC limits for newbies should stay under 2.5 mg, while others suggest 5 to 10mg. Do any of these recommendations actually stick?

Help I’m Gay (Maybe) and High
Written By Brian Cruz
When Lindsey first brought this topic to my virtual desk, she didn’t phrase it with any negative connotation.
As a gay, I think gay things when I’m high frequently, but I felt like Lindsey was probably looking for someone who identified as heterosexual and thinks gay thoughts, only or mostly when they are high. ‘
Tis not the case for me, but based on my experience of repressing my sexuality for most of my life coupled with the occasional hook up with a closeted friend, I can imagine what a candidate she is looking for might be like.
I wouldn’t say my high thoughts differ in extreme to my sober thoughts. Aside from that, sober I am less creative, more irritable, and more self-conscious. When high, I take my thoughts and reflect on their nature. I don’t hold myself to a puritan standard of what is normal. Just look outside, “normal” in the U.S.A. is very weird.
I, at the risk of labeling myself some pervert, think thoughts that interpret as heterosexual, even to me, my own critic.

Casey’s Fat Nugs Field Trips: Black Ridge Cannabis
Dispensary Review Written By Casey Renteria
Black Ridge Cannabis is a veteran-owned and operated dispensary in Calera, Oklahoma.
When I found out the dispensary opened in March of 2023, this of course sparked a Fat Nugs field trip! I wanted to meet the owners Harvey Thompson, Edward Gann, & Kody Edwards to see what they were really all about.

On the Ground at NCF 2023 with Caroline Phillips
Written By LaWann Stribling
It’s now close to 2pm, and I am making my way to the VIP area, finally. After getting my food, I came closer to Caroline, thinking this would be a great time to approach her for a face-to-face interview.
I then noticed the look of concern on her face and overheard that we have to evacuate. I confronted her face-to-face, and asked her for clarification; “Did you say we have to evacuate the park?” She responded with a yes, explaining that a temporary shutdown is in place due to incoming storms.
With food still in hand, I briskly walked back to the other side of the park to our booth. Before I could even reach our tent, the rain drops began!
Keeping in mind the magnitude of this amazing annual festival, I am happy to report that I was able to interview Caroline Phillips, Founder of National Cannabis Festival after all - to finally speak about this year’s NCF.

Enough. We have to stop using the word ‘strains’
Written By Elana Kirsh
Some of you are gonna be up in arms about this one. I can already hear it. The legacy growers and sellers, the backbones of the cannabis industry for so long, who feel you need to stand as defenders for any attack on “the way things were.”
So I’ll say straight off the bat - it’s not you. It’s prohibition.
Of course we developed rubbish nomenclature for different types of cannabis while it was illegal (or more illegal than it is today), and underground. What choice did we have? How can you label something accurately when you only have an idea of what it contains?!

Fat Nugs & Impeccable Vibes: The 19th Annual Emerald Cup Awards Recap
Written By Isabella DeChard
Just over 19 years ago, nestled up on a hill in the redwood trees, the (then underground) cannabis community of Northern California came together to create a friendly competition around cannabis cultivation.
Hosted at Area 101, a small campground and gathering spot in Laytonville, Mendocino, a group of friends – consisting of passionate cannabis farmers, (now) legacy growers, and stoners – would party together through the night to honor the start of another cultivation season.
This year, it hosted around 3,000 of California’s biggest brands, farmers, advocates, creatives, and “cannaisseurs” in the industry – all joined together for this reputable competition and celebration.
For me, as a new-timer to this renowned cannabis competition, and a rookie industry advocate out of the masses that attended, it was an event and experience that I will never forget and always appreciate.

Written By LaWann Stribling
On September 15, 1995, I arrived at Prince George’s Hospital Center nervous and worried as hell for my 6:30 am scheduled induction. My last OB/GYN appointment brought on concerns that I was developing pre-eclampsia, a serious condition marked by high blood pressure and other symptoms after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Due to this, my doctor thought it was best to have a scheduled induction on my actual due date.
I had been living with my sister at her place on Taylor Street because I was still a ward of the state and couldn’t afford a place for me and my soon-to-be child to live.
I had state insurance and the only two sonograms I had revealed my baby with their ankles crossed, blocking the pelvic area.
I wasn’t familiar with pain medications or opioids except for what I heard on television. I watched pregnancy shows on Discovery Channel in the hopes that it would prepare me for this day – but I certainly WAS NOT prepared.

Respect Thy Budtender
Written By Kristine Freeman
“ You pull up to an impressive storefront decorated with ribboned panels of wood and live succulents in hues of green and purple. The glint of gold and glass though the window along with the leafy smell in the air is a hint of what’s to come. You cautiously take a step into an open lobby; to your right is a desk and to your left a flowing fountain.
The person behind the desk greets you and asks for your ID.
You’re directed to a nearby employee; her smiling face and friendly greeting put your nerves at ease. After exchanging names, she asks whether you’ve shopped for cannabis before and, when you tell her you haven’t, not to worry because she is a budtender. When you ask her to repeat herself, she adds that others might go by cannabis consultant or even sales associate, but either way, she is here to be your guide. “

The Warrior Spirit of Mike Robinson: Awakening Into Confusion
Written By Casey Renteria
In a blurry haze, Mike slowly came back. Even though his life seemed to have paused, his strong will could not. “I worked my way out of the hospital bed into a recliner that sat next to it.” The fog from the anesthesia was so heavy that when the nurse spoke to him, it was just a voice in the breeze.
“I had been injected with what I didn't want, but there was a true need. I was comfortably numb with the drugs they had supplied and Cannabis Oil.” The surgical oncologist came in right as Mike was putting away a syringe. The report came in. “There was conflicting data, so CT Scans and PET scans were being paired with the films of what he saw inside of me," Mike recalls. “My blood counts had dropped to 20% below the normal level.”

Cannabis & Consciousness
Written By Guy Borgford
“Cannabis and I have been an item for a very long time, yet it was only a few years ago, when I began combining her loving glow with the introspection and consciousness expansion of meditation. I kind of stumbled into meditation, with cannabis as my lovely wing, and began with just trying different things - different breathing techniques, music, sounds, mantras, focal points, positions, and different amounts of cannabis to go along with it.
From the beginning, the idea of just sitting completely still or laying flat out, corpse pose, and applying a thin, sticky smear of cannabis consciousness to hold the phone, seemed to be just about the best idea I had ever come up with, and so I practiced. As I practiced and read up a bit, I began applying some yogic meditation techniques and my life began to shift in some pretty profound ways. “

Written By Alex Montalban
“My first encounter with ‘marihuana’ was at the very ripe age of 13, growing up in Los Angeles, CA; or, ‘The Valley’ (for all you other CLUELESS fans like me out there).
Yep - believe it or not, my first ‘toke’ occurred approximately 3 miles from where CLAIRE was mugged under that infamous, hugely-fluorescent clown that still overlooks the Circus Liquor on Vineland Blvd. in North Hollywood.
My best friend at the time (we’ll call him “Luke”) held a glass, phallic-looking apparatus, filled to the brim with what appeared to be one of the many spices I had only seen in my mother’s kitchen cabinet, and handed it over to me; this pipe in one hand, and a Bic lighter in the other. “

Why Dispensaries Should Invest in Their Sales Staff
Written By Ashleen Aguilar
“My career started in marketing, and I budtended as a second job because I really wanted to be part of the cannabis industry.
I had gained a ton of knowledge on my own as a casual cannabis user and social media warrior. I followed cannabis accounts and soaked up their content. I watched videos on Youtube. I took myself to free classes and seminars to learn more. I asked questions to the growers and vendors who passed through my store. I also talked to my peers and we educated each other.
Do you know where I did not get much training?
From my dispensary. “

“Burmese Mimosa” Strain Review
Written By Shelley Peebles
“I’ve been hearing a lot lately about Sol Spirit Farms, and I was wondering what all the talk was about. When I had the chance to review their cannabis, I decided I had to meet the people behind the weed. This review begins with a story, set in idyllic Trinity County, California, in a little town called Willow Creek.
The cannabis scene was much different then, and legalization had not happened yet. Judi attended college and graduated with a degree in physical therapy. Walter was more of a free spirit, but they both followed the Grateful Dead all over the US. When they met, it was at a Jerry Garcia memorial in LA in 1995.
Judi and Walter have set up a beautiful regenerative farm tucked into the mountains, where they work with the terroir of the area to produce some of the county’s finest sun-grown cannabis.”

Feeling the Fear: Battling Cancer with Cannabis
Written By Casey Renteria
“The day after Christmas Mike had left for the hospital, assuming he’d quickly be in a room and getting ready for tests. However, the next 10 hours were full of errors and being brought in/out of tests, all of which were supposed to be done after admission. “I had no doctor,” Mike remembers. “nothing was coordinated, I was in pain, afraid, and alone.”
Mike didn't get a room until 5 pm that day, with nothing to eat or drink “due to the orders for testing.” My heart (and probably yours) aches hearing about a patient going through something this intense being left unattended. Was his health assessed? Yes, but what about him as a person, with a life and family at home?”

Your Doctor Probably Tokes, But You Would Never Know
Written By Dr. Olivia Green
“Walking into my job’s occupational health office sends my stomach into more twists than a pretzel. In my profession, an employee physical is standard. Also like many professions, a drug test is utilized for screening. When I got the job offer several years ago, I made sure that my urine was pristine.
The reason I walked into occupational health last week with an armpit full of piss was for a “lateral” promotion. You see, I’m a medical prescriber working in an outpatient clinic located in a non-legal state. I carry a little bottle of synthetic urine with me during work hours, wherever I go. Call it anxiety, call it overkill, call it smart, call it whatever you want. I call it insurance.”