Herbie My (New) Love
Product Review By Casey Renteria
I like to think I’m an active person, at least four days out of the week. After working out, my back becomes so uncomfortably tight that it causes headaches, neck pain, and cramps. I take my self-care seriously, and one constant ordeal is tight muscles.
I love topicals for muscle recovery post-workout for this reason. I have found that it is a critical key in my recovery. Although I have so many lotions, potions, rubs, and balms I am still kind of picky about my topicals, since I use them multiple times a week.
One day, while doom scrolling on LinkedIn, I came across a post featuring Herbie Pain Balm. I knew right then and there, there wasn't a doubt in my mind, I wanted to get my hands on it. Or more like 'get it on me!

Nuvata Got Me Hooked
Written By Scarlet Weaver
Mom is taking the night off! This is the first thought that crossed my mind when I saw this vape. Maybe it’s the beautiful purple that has me relaxed already. Maybe it’s just that it matches my glasses. Whatever it is, this vape and I are going to become great friends.

JAXON’s Premium Hemp/CBD Flower is an Impressive Addition to My Stash
Written by Kaitlin Coghill
The first thought that crossed my mind when I opened my box of JAXON Premium Hemp Flower CBD products was, “This is so ‘me’ and my unicorn.”
Unicorn? Yes, unicorn.
My unicorn and I have a vibe that’s luxe meets lax. Our chosen colors are black and gold (the same as JAXON’s packaging), and our inner essence is fresh, natural, healing and powered by the sun (the same as JAXON’s product). The unboxing experience that enabled this elaborate connection session was all so serendipitous, but there’s more to it than first impressions.
You see, a few weeks ago, my daughters asked me what my dream unicorn would look like so they could draw a portrait of us together. I told them it would be all black with streaks of shimmering gold, and it would be legal everywhere while still providing a shit ton of therapeutic benefits to all who cross its path. They mostly understood what I was saying and the portrait was beautiful.
At the time, we had no idea that a unicorn of this sort actually exists - but, much to my girls’ disappointment, it doesn’t resemble a horned horse. Rather, it resembles fat nugs of weed, provides full-body pain relief, cures insomnia and is federally legal. That ‘unicorn’ is JAXON’s Premium Hemp Flower, and it’s every bit as magical as it sounds.