Cannabis in Malta Part I: Market & History
Written By Nigel Despinasse
While governments worldwide are engaging in debates and decisions regarding their stance on cannabis, the future of cannabis innovation looks bright in Malta.
Malta is a pioneering country that legalized medical cannabis in 2018 and became the first in the EU to legalize recreational cannabis in 2021.
With strategic geographical positioning in the Mediterranean and the potential for growth in the European market, Malta's cannabis industry presents numerous investment opportunities and prospects for economic growth.
Read on for an enticing overview of Malta's cannabis industry, including its historical background, legal framework, and the landscape of medical cannabis.

Why the Midwest is the Perfect Destination for Your Next Cannabis-infused Adventure
Written By Bri Smith
Pack your bags and bug spray; Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes (and nearly as many opportunities to try cannabinoid-infused beverages) are calling! This year, instead of planning the typical coastal vacation, might I suggest visiting the Twin Cities in the heart of the Midwest?
With a diverse and progressive population, a lively art and music scene, and hundreds of breweries dabbling in THC-infusion, the Twin Cities has become the poster child for successfully integrating edibles and drinkables into mainstream retail stores.
Now, you can buy (and, in many cases, enjoy on-site) canna beverages in restaurants, bars, hotels, grocery co-ops, theaters, art festivals, concert venues, and more.
You might be thinking, “There’s no way you can get a THC-bev or edible in all of those places… right?” But I’m here to confirm the rumors are true. I’ve visited these spots and can confirm the experience is euphoric, exciting, and incredibly… normal.
Read on for 10 locations where you can (and should) experience cannabinoid-infused beverages in the Minnesota Wild.

Written By Grant Mitchell
After traveling down a kaleidoscopic wormhole, for what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Merl wakes up on the beach of what he can only guess is a distant alien planet. Merl notices a small tower in the cove across the coastline.
Merl meets a wizard who calls himself Citizen Patient. Discussions about isolation, what planet they are on, and the year transpires briefly.
Dr. Merl explained his home is called “Planet Earth.”
“Never heard of it.” C.P. replies.
It’s so dark in the dank smelling castle that Dr. Merl can’t see, and so asks C.P. if he can open a shade to let in some light. Just as he is about to ask him what type of cannabis strain he favors…
“Sure.” says C.P. as he floats, not even walking, towards the window. Mysteriously, C.P. then vanishes into the curtain and the map spontaneously combusts again like the first piece of parchment from Dr. Merl’s laboratory.
Dr. Merl jumps back in order to save his nose and eyebrows from getting seared off. Another practical joke or a tricky magical prankster, eh?

A Rainy Afternoon at the National Cannabis Festival
Written By Jessica Reilly-Chevalier
“It was a rainy Saturday afternoon when the National Cannabis Festival came to Washington DC.
Before 2 pm a thunderstorm rolled in and parked itself over the festival. What was a cool breeze turned into gusts of wind delivering fat raindrops and devolved into utter chaos.
By 2:05 pm, festival organizers issued an evacuation and rushed people out.
I missed all of this excitement as I rode the metro in, and when I arrived, the thunderstorm was still raging.
A wrong turn took me the long way around RFK stadium, where I passed bridge after bridge of people. They sat in camp chairs, chatting and smoking, clearly waiting for the storm to pass. After the third bridge, I began to wonder if there was something I was missing.”