Ethereal Adventures of Dr. Merl The Astonishing Metaphysician: Metascapades - Diving for Quantum Arcadia
Written By Grant Mitchell
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! You Are Hereby Cordially Invited to Join Us on Our Metascapades in Ethereal Realms: Diving, Hunting, Searching, and Exploring the Mythical Quantum Arcadia.
As the legend goes, in the year 2070, Professor Saxemillian Merlinius von Vaporblaster: Doctor of Science in Dematerialization, or “Dr. Merl,” for simplicity’s sake… is alleged to have achieved the unimaginable.
At 11:11 AM, in the flash of a moment altering the very fabric of the spacetime continuum itself: Dr. Merl exhaled a spark and was granted temporary powers, although unaware of them at first. Gifts like ultra-intelligence, clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, supernatural deduction, hyperluminal dematerialization, metaphysical chakra harmonization, lucid dreaming, and transmutation were harnessed through the Fluxflower.
Combined these fantastical concepts are dwarfed in comparison to the underlying mystery: Where is the Protostone Flowerflux phenomena drawing its magical energy from?

My Journey Into Cannabis -Part 4: Get Your Grow On
Written By Jason Bird
After getting arrested twice in 2 years over my fondness for The Herb, I was forced to take a timeout and regroup. I spent a year and a half on probation and then got permission to move to Oregon, so I packed up and left the East Coast in the summer of 1996 and headed west.
Best road trip ever!
I witnessed some epic music events that summer on my journey. At the tail end of the adventure and concert psychedelia, I picked up 2 friends and moved almost 3,000 miles to Oregon to begin my adventures in cultivation. I enrolled in a 2 year Horticulture Degree program and began taking classes in the campus greenhouse. After transferring my probation, I was released from active supervision after 3 months.
Not long after that I started growing my first cannabis plants indoors. It was a strain called “The Cough.” It was the original Northern Lights #5 x Haze. What. A. Strain.

Where Do All The Delta-8 Nugs Grow?
Written By Mike Robinson
By no means did the U.S. Congress create a bill for farmers so people in labs could convert cannabinoids under a loophole to market powerful quasi-cannabis items to people in states that have yet to legalize them. There are concerns far beyond the marketing to vulnerable consumers when it comes to semi-synthetic or completely synthetic creations made in labs to vie with the THC-focused cannabis market.
One of these lab conversions is known as Delta-8 THC, and it has hit the nation hard with so many different hemp companies finding a way to stay afloat by commercializing this new type of THC. Now consumers are exposed to modern, trendy marketing for products that are beyond misleading.
Sure, it's a great thing to see the hemp industry stay alive during a harsh economic time, but is it that great of an item if the hemp-derived cannabinoids within them were lab created? Is it great that these products are put on shelves for consumers far faster than researchers could possibly study both efficacy and safety?

The Seven Cannabis Factions - Part III
Written By Trent Hancock & Shayney Norick
Many in the cannabis community are going to disagree with Pharmaceuticals having a spot in the industry. Most of us choose cannabis because we believe in a more natural route. That being said, there is a large population of people with health conditions that trust the pharmaceutical process.
It is not too much to ask that the government free people who had minor charges so that they can support and be with their families. Requesting that people are no longer imprisoned for a small-time cannabis distribution conviction or specific homegrow quantities would resonate with the majority of the public, and could potentially free the majority of cannabis felons.
Knobs and Bongs
Written By Natalie Goldberg
Recently, I decided to have a mystical experience with a bong I have not used before. I have kept it on a shelf because it was a gift and I felt it was too beautiful to use. It was discovered in the faraway lands of Oklahoma. This particular psychedelic moment seemed to call to this particular bong. I filled the bowl, and upon lighting it I knew I was going to feel the universe a little louder. Once I lit the bowl and watched all the cannabis fibers rise up in flames, I began speaking to the bong only because I felt that it was speaking to me first.