Transitioning From Non-Cannabis to Cannabis: What You Need to Know
Written By Christy Essex
So, you want to work in cannabis? There is a lot of “buzz” going on, especially when it comes to people looking into transitioning to cannabis from non-cannabis fields.
Cannabis companies have needs, just like any other company in any other legal industry. In the fastest growing industry in the nation, opportunities are popping up everywhere.
The process of transitioning from traditional non-cannabis careers into the cannabis industry may seem daunting, however there are more connections between the job you have now and your future career in cannabis than meets the eye.
One of my favorite quotes by Henry Ford is “Whether you think you can-or think you can’t-you’re right!” I kept this quote by my desk as I set up to pivot into the cannabis space, myself. Now, here I am ten years later loving my decision to transition into the cannabis workforce.
So, if you are still wondering where to start, here are some recommendations;

From Red to Pink - Part VIII: Hot Pink mess
Written By Lindsey Gunter
Listen up people: You can be a big, bad whatever, but if you put two types of weed in the bag, you’re doing bad business. Period. It’s unacceptable. I could not believe the blatant illegality of this, outside of the poor planning and product development. Such shamefully low regard for the consumer. There is only one C.O.A. for good reason, and besides, people have eyes and can clearly see a difference.
'Red would never have done something like that' I remembered thinking to myself. What a shame it felt like at times, everyone from the teams I worked with running dispensaries were scattered all over the place by now, and couldn't likely come in to see what all that I learned from them could make.
For some, after the amount of drama that had so far unfolded, they were starting to feel embarrassed about even being associated with the place. I wondered what my own late business owning mother would say about Pink as I watched ownership and the owner's assistant show family around the dispensary around holiday time.

Can a Nurse Flourish in the Cannabis World?
Written by Natalie Goldberg
I am in the midst of a major transition. A few years ago, I took a job as a cannabis nurse. I felt burnt out by psychiatric nursing after having dispensed opiates and narcotics to patients that showed up monthly with little to no improvement in their health, despite years of trying. Feeling indifferent about being a nurse took over my entire attitude. At the time, I was living far from my hometown because of an attempt at living in a recreational-cannabis state. Unfortunately I ended up working in a non-recreational state. Inspired by my loneliness and defeat, I decided to look for work back home in Florida.
It was 2019 and Florida’s medical marijuana program had really taken off. When I found a clinical position for medical personnel, preferably a nurse, to provide treatment and education on the endocannabinoid system, I freaked out. I interviewed and they were excited that I was a fan of cannabis and that I could also give vitamin injections, so they hired me. I was in shock. My life changed in seconds as I began the transition from psych nurse to cannabis nurse.